Strive: Conquest Latest Version: Ongoing Adult xxx Porn Game Download For Windows, MAC, Linux with Walkthrough. Download And Play Free 18+ Adult Sex Games Only On 18AdultGames.
ToggleAbout “Strive: Conquest” Game
A tech demo of the sequel for Strive for Power. This game represents the core changes and mechanics of the second game, but does not represent the main gameplay focus or content and should be treated as rough ideas.
All the games are here for the minimum age of 18 and are entirely fictitious so play with the game spirit, not real.
Prequel: Strive For Power
Added new error log system which should warn players right in the process of playing. Console be reopened with F2
Revamped combat system to have a singular action sequence. Likely extremely buggy but should in future help deal with phantom enemies, missing actions and other various issues caused by multiple actions performed together.
Added customized difficulty settings at the game start/option menu
Added 6 new hybrid skills, for now can be purchased at the guilds
Added new boss effect: bosses are now more resistant to DoTs and control effects. Also some bosses has had their HP increased
Nerfed Nature’s gift to return fewer resources
Nerfed Berserker by disabling Stealth and Protection
Fixed Zephyra appearing in act 3 quests without being present at location
Added new enchantment for spears and bows
Many small typos and various fixes
v0.10.2 Experimental
Added new error log system which should warn players right in the process of playing. Console be reopened with F2
Revamped combat system to have a singular action sequence. Likely extremely buggy but should in future help deal with phantom enemies, missing actions and other various issues caused by multiple actions performed together.
Added 6 new hybrid skills, for now can be purchased at the guilds
Added new boss effect: bosses are now more resistant to DoTs and control effects. Also some bosses has had their HP increased
Nerfed Nature’s gift to return fewer resources
Nerfed Berserker by disabling Stealth and Protection
Added new enchantment for spears and bows
Many small typos and various fixes
Revamped skill acquirement system
Filled enemy event groups in act 3
Added new sidequests and scenes for Kuro
Made some of unique weapons ugpradeable and revamped its stats
Fixed some memory leaks which should make game more stable on longer sessions
Fixed multiple minor paperdoll issues
v0.10.1 Experimental
Added 3rd story arc
Revamped character list design
Revamped slave training system
Added quality upgrade options to gear
Added infinite dungeon system (not calibrated yet but should be functional)
Many bug and typo and event fixes through the game
Fixed oblivion potion
Fixed mod editor crashing on opening
Added dialogue event to sex change potion
Added new icon for sex change potion
Added Lilia’s complete sidequest and marriage scenes/dresses
Added new shrine type
Added character Lock rule which prevents character from showing in the lists of giveaways and factor sacrifices
Added a few more dungeon name variants
Added new combat skill for succubus class replacing attract
Added sex swap potion
Rarity of legendary quality is increased by 250% (it’s still low)
Changed formula for weekly dates and sex. Dates: 1 + 3 from master’s charm factor to 3 + 2; sex 1 +3 from master sex factor to 2 + 3
Some improvements to inventory gui
Added some new monochrome arts and fixed some scenes
Fixed tutorial menu not working properly on other languages
Fixed communicative master trait causing rebellious behavior happen more often
Fixed wrong line appearing during searching princess quest
Fixed some missing gallery scenes and unique character sprites
Fixed an issue with reloading the game after defeat
Fixed an issue with leaving game to main menu and starting new one causing weird stuff happening
Added exploration mechanic to dungeons
Dungeons now use stamina system which is restored every day
Dungeon deletion now only occurs after everyone has been removed from there
First Fighters quest is now designed as a dungeon instead of being an encounter
Dungeon events are now protected by challenges
Dungeon chests are more often have no locks on them now
Old recruitment/capture events now swapped to challenges
Some new events were added
Treasure chests now drop more materials
Added a bit more flavor text scenes to the transition of act 2 and some optional flavor content tied to it
Dungeons are now activated via purchasable/foundable items
Added new character rule: Forbid Masturbation
Added alphabetical sort to inventory for materials
Added alternative personalities (emotions) to portraits for unique characters
Changed Cali and Zephyra height from petite to short
Stamina in sex minigame has been renamed to Tolerance
Reputation required to start election quest is down to 300 from 500
Reputation to initiate Servants guild letter before elections is down to 200 from 300
Added reputation display to notice board
Added a separate message to indicate when chest had no lock on it
Non-hard start now allows to pick one of three workshops to start with
Changed some of menial class bonuses
Multiple fixes in ingame changelog
Fixed some console and gallery errors on a new game/empty appdata. Also fixed some gallery tooltip issues
Fixed some item/enchantment stacking errors
Fixed disassemblement being rounded with number of items in mind resulting sometimes with lower resources when disassembling multiple items
Added announcement when player acquires new mastery point
Added tooltips for new gallery scenes
Added icon for new suit
Fixed daisy not being recruited when claimed to be your kinsman
Fixed some console errors related to shrines
Fixed some paperdoll issues and possible travel errors
Added 4 new classes:
Warlock – Increases crit rate and crit damage of single target spells
Witch – Spell crits apply random debuff on enemy. Healing spells can apply healing over time on allies
Ninja – increase evasion based on mdef, minimal evasion chance is 5%
Death knight – gain loyalty on killing blows
Alchemist no longer require any classes to unlock but needs to be purchased from workers guild
Alchemist passive crafting bonus moved to main class data
Character recruitment formula has been changed: now checks recrutee wits factor instead of charm factor, has higher chance on low recruiter’s charm and lower maximum recruit chance. Recruit chance is capped at 50%
Succubus and True Succubus now have a new persuation option to instantly recruit a character for lust
True Succubus new passive: Generate lust when being hit
Added unique postwedding scenes for Daisy, Cali, Amelia
Added some gui improvement to enchantemt gui
Added new rewards and options to shrine altars
Added new craftable costume and updated icon for latex suit
Increased number of sex times per week by 1
Offered altar items no longer are removed if they are incorrect
Removed Lust Relief from master
Removed body modification display from traits
Fixed a bug with tool bonuses not applying to tasks in some cases
v0.8.4b Experimental
Added 4 new classes:
Warlock – Increases crit rate and crit damage of single target spells
Witch – Spell crits apply random debuff on enemy. Healing spells can apply healing over time on allies
Ninja – increase evasion based on mdef, minimal evasion chance is 5%
Death knight – gain loyalty on killing blows
Alchemist no longer require any classes to unlock but needs to be purchased from workers guild
Alchemist passive crafting bonus moved to main class data
Character recruitment formula has been changed: now checks recrutee wits factor instead of charm factor, has higher chance on low recruiter’s charm and lower maximum recruit chance. Recruit chance is capped at 50%
Succubus and True Succubus now have a new persuasion option to instantly recruit a character for lust
True Succubus new passive: Generate lust when being hit
Added some gui improvement to enchantment gui
Added new rewards and options to shrine altars
Added new craftable costume
Offered altar items no longer are removed if they are incorrect
Removed body modification display from traits
Fixed a bug with tool bonuses not applying to tasks in some cases
Removed Mace from list of items which can be requested with crafted Blade part
Serve skill no longer needs lust to be used
Shared toy skill now only needs 15 lust instead of 75
Added new skill for Master – Mentor: Boosts experience gain for selected character for 1 day.
Fixed bodyparts for orgasm selection not checking character’s bodyparts
Fixed consent going over the cap in some cases after reload
Full Changelog
New consent system:
Consent now only has stages, next stage is acquired by performing harder actions during interaction while keeping character from losing all their stamina or from intimate talk during dates on early levels. Sexual factor affects easiness of progress.
Stamina (interaction system) is depleted when performing actions with higher consent than character currently has and is restored on orgasms and with some items. If all stamina is depleted the character will start losing obedience, no longer gain consent and receive debuff
Sex training is no longer required for any sexual interactions
Lust changes:
Characters no longer gain lust from sexual interactions, instead initiating sex requires lust
After sexual interactions characters obtain Exp and Loyalty instead (based on their performance during it)
Mana&heal related changes
Reduced mana cost for most healing spells
Increased basic mana regen from 1.2 to 1.5 per turn
Increased bonus mana regen per magic factor from 0.1 to 0.5 per turn
Bandage reputation cost increased from 3 to 10
Bandage work units increased from 0.5 to 2
Fixed master traits prices
Fixed some of master traits being bugged
Fixed soulbind not working correctly
Fixed some class effects not working properly
v0.8.3b Experimental Branch
New consent system:
Consent now only has stages, next stage is acquired by performing harder actions during interaction while keeping character from losing all their stamina or from intimate talk during dates on early levels. Sexual factor affects easiness of progress.
Stamina (interaction system) is depleted when performing actions with higher consent than character currently has and is restored on orgasms and with some items. If all stamina is depleted the character will start losing obedience, no longer gain consent and receive debuff
Sex training is no longer required for any sexual interactions
Lust changes:
Characters no longer gain lust from sexual interactions, instead initiating sex requires lust
After sexual interactions characters obtain Exp and Loyalty instead (based on their performance during it)
Mana&heal related changes
Reduced mana cost for most healing spells
Increased basic mana regen from 1.2 to 1.5 per turn
Increased bonus mana regen per magic factor from 0.1 to 0.5 per turn
Bandage reputation cost increased from 3 to 10
Bandage work units increased from 0.5 to 2
Fixed master traits prices
Fixed some of master traits being bugged
Fixed soulbind not working correctly
Fixed some issues with the map including not being able to send characters to other regions
Fixed collars not displaying on characters
Minor gui fixes
Subordinates no longer can be chosen for stat donorshi
(also updated experimental version)
All tame/timid factor checks for master are automatically passed (i.e. classes requiring this factor)
Rebalanced the way stat bonuses are applied on stronger character generation: high stat characters are more likely than stats destributed across the board.
Corrected some of the older tutorials
Added simple service gold log
Revamped previous Peon slave type into Subordinate
Subordinates receive 25% more loyalty and have 5 less obedience drain. They also cost 1% of their value in gold at the end of the week. They can’t be sold or removed by giving quests.
Successfully recruiting a stranger only allows to make them into subordinate
Added an option to set free characters from inside character info
Moved talk button for unique characters on right side of portraits
Master trait points are now rewarded after progressing through main story
Fixed Master Staff having incorrect material colors
Fixed neutral personality characters having empty speech texts
Slightly revamped gold formula for service jobs
Slightly increased all upgrade taxes
Nerfed writ of exemption and oblivion potion prices
Class changes;
Many classes have received new passives and stat changes, more detailed list can be seen in the game’s changelog
Added minor Zephyra event at elven capital with a costume reward
Changed the behavior for talking down captured characters – now instead of making them peon, successful negotiations will grant them basic servitude and combatant
Added forgetting location to the map options
Added an option to Amelia’s quest to keep her as servant leader
Added some missing scenes to the gallery
Removed an option to send unavailable characters to other locations Fixed punish not switching personality to shy correctly
Fixed staves on paper doll having wrong models
Fixed taurus ears being purple
Fixed shop items randomizing quality/enchants on shop reopen
Fixed bow skills not working with crossbows
Fixed some map issues
Fixed an issue with loyalty spec receiving too many levels
Fixed Bold damage bonus not applying to all aoe hits (probably other similar
buffs as well)
Fixed some value modifiers not working correctly
Added 3 new weapon types (Battleaxe, mace, crossbow)
Added world map in exchange for travel screen
Added visual display to paper doll for most weapons
Added new loyalty classes to replace Swear Loyalty trait
Added warning to marry tutorial that it can only be done once Added chinese translation (somewhat outdated)
Virginity only affects buy/sell price now
Removed Peon slave type
Fixed wits boost potion buffing physics instead
Multiple fixes to enchants, quests, saves
Added personality bonuses and personality changing mechanic to characters New personality system: Personalities now apply varying penalties and/or bonuses. Obedience actions will change target’s personality depending on the action. However on lower Tame/Timid factors actions can backfire and change personality into a different direction. The actions for change are: Praise (Kind), Punish (Shy), Warn (Serious), Serve (Bold)
New personality added: Neutral (no bonuses or penalties) Fixed large quantity of event bugs and typos
Fixed multiple issues with enchantments
Fixed gear creation applying enchantments at random
Ogres and trolls now categorized as giants instead of humanoids and fixed antirace enchantments not working fully
Items of different qualities now stack
Fixed enchants/curses/quality not affecting item price
Fixed advanced sword only requiring 1 hand slot by default
Fixed advanced spear having incorrect slots/tags
Fixed some typos
Standartized and fixed most of the ingame texts and events (thanks to Lipach)
Rebalanced and standartized most combat buffs and debuffs
Added item quality and enchantments to modular gear
Added scene unlock hints to the gallery
Added 2 new food items
Revamped crafting GUI and added enchantment screen
Fixed multiple events and sidequest issues
Fixed multiple missing descriptions
Added new effect to Zephyra’s unique item
Paper doll: Fixed pregnant futa, male collars and some other minor issues Fixed some character wedding sprites being wrong sizes
Fixed some items not being removed at Zephyra’s quest
Added a new quest for Zephyra and Amelia. Amelia is now recruitable
Added more costumes and options to paperdoll, fixed some issues
Futa is no longer restricted from marrying futas
Fixed an issue with disappearing locaiton during first arc making the quest uncompletable
Additional fixes to market upgrades mode resetting things
Fixed an issue when market wasn’t openning due to data error in some characters
Fixed market upgrades mode resetting character factors
Added some missing paremeters to the paperdoll constructor 0.7.1a
Fixed multiple paperdoll and new game start issues
Fixed multiple paperdoll and new game start issues
Added constructor to character creation menu and slave market for appearance customization
Fixed multiple textures, poses, details, added more variety
Added laboratory upgrades to slave market
Fixed some missing descriptions to service boost and added more options to farm
Fixed race traits not applying for farming purposes on generation Improved farm GUI
Fixed Cali’s bad route having some text entries broken
Fixed Ratkin description
Fixed gray skin color
Added some performance improvement to paperdoll
Added bat to run game with console to windows version
Presumably fixed linux and mac versions
Fixed sacred bowl being dropped randomly
– Extract to the desired location.
– Click on “Game.exe” to start playing.
Game Info:
Tags: 2DCG, RPG, Fantasy
Release date: 2024-12-27
Developer/Publisher: Maverik
Game Engine: Others
Censorship: Uncensored
Version: 0.10.2 Full release [Ongoing]
Platform: Windows, MAC, Linux
Language: English
2DCG, Anal sex, BDSM, Character creation, Creampie, Fantasy, Female protagonist, Footjob, Futa/trans, Futa/trans protagonist, Gay, Group sex, Handjob, Incest, Lesbian, Loli, Male protagonist, Management, Mind control, Monster Girl, Oral sex, Pregnancy, Force, RPG, Slave, Spanking, Text based, Trainer, Titfuck, Turn based combat, Vaginal sex, Virgin.
Strive: Conquest Walkthrough
Cheat Code: In game cheat code = fkfynroh
-Dozens of classes with unique traits and abilities.
-Procedurally generated areas and dungeons
Strive: Conquest Game Download
– PC/Windows
Size: 1.40 GB
Size: 1.40 GB (Experimental)
Size: 1.49 GB
Size: 1.25 GB
– Linux
Size: 1.40 GB
Game Credits
Maverik Patreon – – Discord – Wiki
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