Degrees of Lewdity [v0.5.0.2] [Vrelnir]


Degrees of Lewdity Latest Version: Ongoing Adult xxx Porn Game Download For Windows, Mac, Android (APK), Linux with Walkthrough. Download And Play Free 18+ Adult Sex Games Only On 18AdultGames.

About “Degrees of Lewdity” Game

You play a young student living at an orphanage. You must make some quick cash to keep living at the orphanage or bad things happen. *Most fetishes are optional.​

Degrees of Lewdity but is a game where the player character is always in a unfortunate situation, they will never be able to be the “aggressor”​

All the games are here for the minimum age of 18 and are entirely fictitious so play with the game spirit, not real.



– Hunting from the tower will now give a limited amount of physique gains each day. Thanks to PurityGuy.
– Improved the water rendering for the pirate ship location. Thanks to Xao.

Xao Fixes:
– Fixed pain penalty not applying on low body temperatures.
– Made old clock icon break slightly less.

PurityGuy Fixes:
– Fixes the broken plantperson encounter in the bog.
– Fixes bad link markup in hunt events.
– The Great Hawk will no longer take the player on a night time flight when water is below freezing temperature.
– Fixed Kylar getting confused and vanishing whenever it rains.


– Basking with the Great Hawk now warms the player up. Thanks to PurityGuy.
– Eden and the temple have procured new thermometers. Thanks to Xao.
– Added more detailed descriptions about your body temperature, when hovering over the thermometer icon. Thanks to Xao.

– The player will now only get a hypothermia warning if their temperature is actively decreasing. Thanks to Xao.
– Adjustments to temperatures during temple trials. Thanks to Xao.

Xao Fixes:
– Fixed an error with importing settings
– Can now pass-out from cold properly in the lake.
– Fixed warmth values not displaying correctly in wardrobe, if it’s a two-part item.
– Fixed a couple of cases of duplicate effects messages.
– Reduced the chance of unending molestation events from passing out from cold.

Kirsty fixes:
– Fixed an incorrect tuck link when in the shop.
– Fixed the winter jacket not being able to be zipped.
– Fixed missing image bug in the shop when the player’s wearing rolled up sleeves.
– Removed errant equal sign in the babyIs widget.

PurityGuy Fixes:
– Fixed a few icons that vary with time of day to more closely match the current sidebar display of time and weather.
– Fixed the Wraith inheriting the player’s skin colour.
– Fixed Great Hawk being referred to as “Great Catboy” in one of the hunt events.
– Fixed a span error on the coastal path when it’s snowing.
– Fixed many cases of the player being considered outside when they should be considered inside, and vice versa.
– Fixed Robin replacing Robin with a new Robin when buying hot chocolate from Robin.
– Fixed Jordan replacing Jordan with a new Jordan when asking Jordan about advancing in rank at the temple.
– Fixed an error when impregnating the Great Hawk via the cheat menu with realistic pregnancy enabled.
– Fixed an error with hawk children caused by old faulty code.
– Fixed not being able stop holding your hawk child.
– Fixed hawk children’s skin falling off.
– Fixed time not passing properly when flying.
– Fixed an error when dropping a lurker on Remys goons.
– Fixed a few bugs with Remy milking the player by hand.
– Fixed shoving Robin’s note into your naked.


– Weather, temperature, and sky overhaul. The sidebar location and sky renderer has gotten a complete redo. Details below. Thanks to Xao.
– Great Hawk expansion + pregnancy, by PurityGuy.

New Sky & Location Sidebar Renderer

Introduced a new canvas renderer for the sidebar, which dynamically renders sky and location images based on weather changes.
The renderer simulates the sky based on the time of day, weather, and other factors.
– New sky renderer. Thanks to Mochi, Beta, void and Jacko for sprites used in new weather generation.
– New location renderer. Thanks to SoS, mochi, mochamante, glenn, and Jacko for some new location sprites.
– All weather types, time of day, and locations are simulated in the sky sidebar.
– Enhanced visuals for nearly all game locations in the sidebar.
– Location images are illuminated by the sun during the day and darken at night.
– Added water reflections and animated water effects, toggleable in the options menu.
– Added support for multiple independent animations for a single location image.
– Updated several older location images to new ones.
– Some location images now feature lights during nighttime.
– Extensive changes behind the scenes to how location images are created and rendered.

New Weather & Temperature Simulation
The temperature system has been vastly improved, simulating weather more realistically.
There are also different temperature values outdoors, indoors, and in water. Weather and temperature are generated several weeks in advance.
– New weather generation.
– New temperature generation.
– As expected, outdoor temperatures will be lower during winter, and higher during summer, and can vary during the day.
– Extreme temperatures, both low and high, can occur depending on the season.
– Precipitation (rain or snow) now depends on the actual temperature; it only snows when temperatures are below freezing.
– Precipitation intensity can vary based on the weather, affecting how quickly one becomes wet in the rain.
– It now always gets cloudy or overcast before it starts to rain or snow. It never goes immediately from sunny weather to rain or snow.
– Snow melts only when the temperature is above freezing.
– Introduced several new weather types with realistic transitions.
– Lakes and fountains freeze only in freezing temperatures, with ice strength varying with temperature changes.
– Numerous event adjustments to incorporate weather changes.
– The moon now has different phases, depending on the day, which is also visible in the sidebar.

Body Temperature
Body temperature is now simulated. Body heat is gained or lost over time based on the air temperature.
It is divided into heat generation, and heat dissipation.
Heat generation occurs passively and increases with physical activity or extreme external heat.
Heat dissipation is reduced by wearing thicker or more clothing and increases when wet.
– New body temperature system
– New potential for hypothermia and heatstroke:
– Wearing too little clothing during cold weather could lead to hypothermia, if exposed long enough. Reduce the risk by wearing appropriate clothing or seeking shelter indoors.
– Wearing excessive clothing in extremely hot weather can lead to heatstroke, especially while doing physical activity.
– Several new scenes related to passing out from hypothermia or heatstroke. (written by Danie, Angel, mochamante, Anonymous Jackalope, Kirsty, coded by Kirsty)
– Being overly cold or hot now results in significant status effects.
– Added a body heat indicator (thermometer) in the sidebar, changing color based on body temperature and showing temperature trends towards or away from ideal levels.

Clothing Warmth
– Completely overhauled clothing warmth values. All clothing items have been rebalanced.
– Clothing warmth now depends on the type; for instance, socks provide significantly less warmth compared to upper and lower clothing, compared to before.
– Clothing impact during weather conditions is more pronounced: essential in cold weather and potentially risky in hot weather.
– Several user interface updates related to clothing warmth in shops and wardrobes.
– The wardrobe warmth indicator now displays relative warmth compared to the external temperature.

– Introduced variable sun intensity based on season, time of day, location, and cloud cover.
– Tanning effectiveness is now dependent on sun intensity. If it’s too low, tanning will not be effective.
– Tanning in the tanning salon usually will be more effective than tanning outside most of the year. Except for the summer, when the outside sun intensity is high.
– Improved the tanning user interface, explaining factors that increase or decrease tanning effectiveness.

– Increased heat dissipation when wet, making you colder faster.

– Added an icon indicating whether you are indoors or outdoors.
– Money display now shows decimals only for amounts less than 10k.
– Added tooltips to the weather sidebar for outside weather and temperature details.
– Added tooltips to the character sidebar for player clothing information.
– Introduced a thermometer icon next to the character sidebar with tooltips about body temperature.

Hawk Pregnancy:
– Enables pregnancy for Great Hawk, and allows the player to become pregnant with hawks/harpies.
– Adds an “Egg laying” toggle, required for hawk/harpy pregnancy.
– When egg laying is enabled, a player with the full bird transformation will lay eggs every few weeks. Female Great Hawk will also do this. Eggs will come out fertilised if pregnancy was successful, and must be brought back to the nest in the tower for hatching.
– Unfertilised eggs laid by the player or the Great Hawk can be sold like normal bird eggs.
– Adds several new Stockholm Syndrome: Great Hawk triggers dependent on egg laying scenes.
– Thanks to Elm for a hilarious scene where the player accidentally lays eggs while Robin is watching.
– Thanks to void for some of the new hawk baby interactions.
– Thanks to Lollipop Scythe for egg laying and hawk pregnancy code.

Hunting with the Great Hawk:
– The player may now request to join the Great Hawk on one of their hunts once they learn to fly. After their first hunt, the player will be able to hunt alone or with the Great Hawk whenever they want. Many hunting events written by Juniaki.
– The player can use the loot they gain from moor hunts to improve the Great Hawk’s tower.
– After taking some time to show off their hunting trophies, the player may go on casual flights with the Great Hawk. This can also lead to a mating ritual. Written by Juniaki.
– Players who wish to prove their hunting prowess may get an option to take on a special hunt. Written by Juniaki.
– Thanks to EmbraceTheVoid for a special hunt event involving an abandoned nest.

Other Great Hawk stuff:
– The Great Hawk now has a new beast combat sprite. Thanks to Jacko.
– Further thanks to Jacko for an obscene amount of icons for tower materials, upgrades, interactions, pregnancy, and several others. There are actually too many to list.
– Adds the “Feather Trick”, “Birds of a Feather”, and “Terror’s Equal” feats.
– Added many rescue events for the Great Hawk in the moor, including the possibility for Great Hawk’s first meeting to be a rescue. Written and coded by EmbraceTheVoid.
– Overhauled and expanded upon the Great Hawk’s initial meetings, including adding alternative first meetings and additional pre-Stockholm Syndrome interactions with the Great Hawk should the player be rescued by them. Written and coded by EmbraceTheVoid.
– The Great Hawk will now have more proper reactions to the player’s previous escape attempts pre-Stockholm Syndrome.
– The player can now pass out at the tower. Written by Juniaki.
– Rewrote some of the old Stockholm Syndrome scenes, thanks to Juniaki.
– The player can now help the Great Hawk preen while they are bathing. Written by Doodle and Juniaki.
– The Great Hawk may now notice the player’s bodywriting while basking and attempt to do something about it. Written by squ1dteeth.
– The Great Hawk now has its own combat dialogue when set to be a monsterperson. Written and coded by squ1dteeth.
– The player may reflect on a prior rescue by the Great Hawk when basking. Written by mea.
– The Great Hawk may now occasionally ask the player to go on a nighttime flight with them, once love is high enough. Written by mochamante.


– Added Catppuccin theme and its 4 flavors to the game, thanks to Cypher Null.
– The player will no longer cover themselves in some safe locations when alone. This is an experimental change and will be expanded upon later.
– Gave the Wraith a makeover in the Schism scene. Thanks to void for ragged robes and golden regalia sprites, and mono for new Wraith icon sprites.
– The chain of shortcuts from the town to the bog and moor now take less time to traverse.
– The player can now sing with the watchers at the prison if they have the full bird TF. Written by JinoWills.
– Added some flavor events to science class, thanks to pinzya.
– Thanks to Jimmy and KnotLikeThis for code improvements.
– Thanks to Jacko for the ornate telescope handheld sprite.
– Thanks to Pinzya for icons representing each beast transformation, and glenn for the harpy tf icon.
– Overhauled the custom outfit interface in the wardrobe, thanks to MisoSquared.
– Sirris may now drive the player home from the adult shop at high enough love. Thanks to Charlie Studio.
– Added Sirris’ love to the cheat menu. Thanks to Charlie Studio.
– You no longer have to exit the Spa after working as a masseur, and can return to the lobby instead. Thanks to Charlie Studio.
– Added a daily study event with Robin at 17:00, every day. Additionally, there may be consequences the next day if Robin was made to stay up too late. Written by Akina, coded jointly by ShinyMilk and Akina.
– Eden may now punish the player if the player returns to the cabin covered in lewd fluids. Written by Necro, coded by LupusXLass1404.
– Added some variety to genital names based on player awareness and purity, thanks to Lollipop Scythe.
– Added an event when leaving the orphanage bathroom, if the player chooses to walk away with a towel, they may stumble upon another orphan. Written by Kinky One and coded by JinoWills.
– Thanks to majou for allowing widgets to be used within links, which will improve grammar and NPC references in links in the future.
– Thanks to Danie, Jacko, EmbraceTheVoid, Juniaki, KnotLikeThis, Kirsty and Lollipop Scythe for playtesting and catching a whole lot of bugs.

Credit to Kirsty:
– The winter jacket can now be zipped up. Sprites by MinerDX.
– Cleaned up canvas code to remove hardcoding.
– Wardrobe “tuck in” links will now say what you’re tucking (for example, “tuck [lower] into combat boots” or “tuck [upper] into scout shorts”).
– Converted Danube break-in events to eventpool.
– Added a random event that allows the player to pick oranges from a mansion when breaking into it. Thanks to LupusXLass for the orange icon.
– During lunchtime, the player may be able to purchase Sydney a coffee if they seem extra sleepy in the canteen. Writing by Angel and Kirsty.
– Remy may milk an obedient cow PC by hand at high love. Writing by Angel.
– Reverted the “one in four” change to the school toilets encounter. Added a seduction check.
– Coded in several new pregnancy passouts. Thanks to Kirsty, Pinzya, Danie, Grimace, squ1dteeth, mea, and Index.
– Added the middle part fringe and straight bob sides. Thanks to Chicken Parma.
– Added the messy curls and straight tail fringes, and the jellyfish ponytail and jellyfish twintails sides. Thanks to Monay.

– Fixed markup in a bunch of links, thanks to Jimmy.
– Fixed a broken link on the island. Thanks to Jimmy.
– Fixed some methods of randomisation that broke upon refreshing the page, thanks to majou.
– Fixed a Robin scene that wasn’t properly reducing lust. Thanks to FadedLines.
– Fixed an issue in Doren’s infirmary event, thanks to JinoWills.
– Added a condition to the tattoo parlour check so the “not deviant/lewd enough” warning displays correctly. Thanks to JinoWills.
– Fixed the player being unable to buy clothes if their money was exactly equal to the clothes’ price. Thanks to JinoWills.
– Fixed a bug that caused infinite NPCs to generate when swapping weapons in Temple’s training room. Thanks to JinoWills.
– Various typo, spacing, and pronoun fixes, thanks to omvjro
– Fixed some terminology issues and a mislabeled link in pirate content, thanks to Testry.
– Fixed “Enabled additional error messages” being toggled off when loading a save. Thanks to Xao.
– Fixed the timing of NPC release from the pillory, among other time issues. Thanks to Xao.

PurityGuy Fixes:
– Fixed insecurity/acceptance changes displaying incorrectly.
– Fixed lotus flowers using the icon for daisies.
– The player can no longer drink while knowingly pregnant in the “Dance Job Party” event.
– Robin will no longer escape captivity to give the player lemonade outside of the orphanage.
– The office job manager will no longer repeatedly give the player a gift when streaking.
– Fixed a broken promiscuity check when goading others in the school changing room.
– Taking a detour while on Harvest Street will no longer spit the player out in the commercial alleyways instead of the industrial alleyways.
– Fixed text display issues when leather leggings are exposed.
– Fixed impregnation fame missing from the fame boosting/reduction quests.
– Fixed a bad effects message for the ear slime removing chastity belts.
– Fixed a faulty check for waking pregnancy effects.
– Fixed an incorrect wardrobe definition at the cottage.
– Fixed workers at the temp agency commenting on how big the player’s non-existent penis is.
– Fixed the bog only ever displaying safe events. It’s meant to be a better shortcut, but not THAT much better. Reduced time taken to traverse the bog to compensate.
– Made changes to the NPC dominance display widget to be less verbose when only one named NPC is loaded.
– Capped how much money Robin is allowed to save up, specifically in response to players putting on a macro at the Hawk’s tower and sleeping for 50 years to return home and get a fucktillion pounds from Robin, and not in the fun or engaging way.
– Fixed some naming inconsistencies with Great Hawk’s beast type.
– Fixed some time and season checks that were still using the pre-Xao time system.
– Fixed a bunch of Wraith bugs because Wraith content somehow sneaks into every single branch I make.
– As above but replace “Wraith” with “Sydney”.
– Fixed dialogue that didn’t make sense with any teacher NPC commenting on the player’s school uniform.
– School missed lessons count can no longer go into the negatives.
– Fixed multiple issues with Black Wolf pregnancy checks.
– The player can no longer steal from the forest shop at night time, as Gwylan is still present.
– Fixed an issue at the market stall with blackberries being sold in much smaller quantities than intended. Optimised stall produce selection slightly.
– Fixed forest hunts switching due to old NPC generation methods being called incorrectly.
– Fixed Eden’s Valentines event failing to trigger if the player used mushrooms for Eden’s breakfast.
– Fixed a few tailoring options at Eden’s cabin being unavailable due to faulty checks. The player can now sew designs into the pillows they make, and sew a fur blanket.
– Fixed the tanktop blocking bodywriting targeting and visibility.
– Fixed the ear slime school hallway masturbation event not generating students properly.
– Players who have their clothes stolen on the beach will no longer be able to cover themselves up if their arms are bound.
– Ear slimes will no longer desynch school state when entering the school pool room on weekends.

Kirsty Fixes:

– Fixed a clothing bug for players wearing lowerwear that covers the top.
– Fixed a bug with some clothes and pregnant bellies.
– Fixed a bug where outfits would give the player the “tuck in” option.
– Limited the number of times the player can use the Sydney transformation interactions in the Library. (So the player can’t spam -Fatigue all day)
– Your penis will no longer be torn from your body while diving.
– Fixed an issue with clothing code.
– The player will now drink their tea with a teacup, not a spoon.
– Glasses can be tucked beneath hair again.
– Fixed incorrect icon indentation and added stairs icons for the prison.
– Pulling down your longjohns will no longer reveal your longjohns.
– Fixed clipping issues with the cocoon.
– Fixed a faulty exposure check that printed “your naked.”

Lollipop Scythe fixes:
– Fix for fetching clothes from isolated wardrobes when not in the correct area.
– Fixed an issue with ear slimes ignoring some checks.
– Capitilisation fixes in the pharmacy.
– Fixed the Nightmare Harper scene viewer not being unlocked correctly.
– Fixed minor issues with pregnancy cheats.
– Removed some -stress and -trauma from some children event links where the outcome could be varied.
– Fixed a rare instance of giving birth to an unfertilised parasite.
– Fixed an issue in combat where the index variable was undefined.



– Extract to the desired location.
– Click on “Game.html” to start playing.

Game Info:

Tags: 2DCG, Trap, Combat

Release date: 2024-06-02

Game Engine: HTML

Developer/Publisher: Vrelnir

Censorship: Uncensored

Version: [Ongoing]

Platform: Android (APK), MAC, Windows, Linux

Language: English


2DCG, Anal Sex, Animated, Bestiality, Blackmail, Character Creation, Cheating, Combat, Corruption, Creampie, Drugs, Exhibitionism, Female Domination, Female Protagonist, Footjob, Futa/trans, Futa/trans Protagonist, Gay, Group Sex, Handjob, Humiliation, Internal View, Interracial, Lactation, Lesbian, Male Domination, Male Protagonist, Mind Control, Mobile Game, Monster Girl, Multiple Penetration, NTR, Oral Sex, Pregnancy, Prostitution, Force, Sandbox, School Setting, Sexual Harassment, Spanking, Stripping, Tentacles, Text Based, Titfuck, Transformation, Trap, Turn Based Combat, Vaginal Sex, Vore, Voyeurism.

Degrees of Lewdity Walkthrough


Degrees of Lewdity XXX Porn Game Download

Degrees of Lewdity Game Download

NOTE: Latest version has auto-update checkup enabled in Options by default


Windows / Linux / MAC


Size: 19 MB


Android (APK)


Size: 28 MB


Text Only


Size: 6 MB


Game Credits

Vrelnir SubscribeStar – Blog – Discord – Website

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