Renryuu: Ascension Latest Version: Ongoing Adult xxx Porn Game Download For Windows, Android (APK), MAC, Linux with Walkthrough. Download And Play Free 18+ Adult Games Only On 18AdultGames.
ToggleAbout “Renryuu: Ascension” Game
This game follows the story of Ryen, a half-dragon-half-human. After some sudden events, Ryen becomes the King of his country and starts his duties as the King in the castle while also traveling around when needed to take care of many problems inside and outside of the country.
– In act “Preg” of the time skip events in the story, you can now get a new event with Naevy after you had her second CG scene. (Sparkling icon in the forest east of Aldlyn, then a yellow icon over Aldlyn in the third step.)
– Dialog in act 1 of the time skip events with the hellhounds at the volcano in Amagal. The event requires Dai-Xinyue’s first solo CG scene, and unlocks a new event with the hellhounds and the Thanka oni family in act 5.
– Also in act 5 is a new event with shark pirate captain Phewyss. (Sparkling blue icon over Havaria Port)
It requires the first encounter with Phewyss in the fairy wonder forest events during act 4.
– The new npc Aryan Stroll is now near the entrance in the castle of Kagabangui. When you have the quest with Queen Lancafew done, and the brothel near Aldlyn is constructed, talking with Aryan gives an event that introduces two new girls, Samia and Yesem.
– In act 5 of the time skip events, you can watch the next step of Lum’s events. Depending on who else works in the brothel, he and the manager will say a sentence or two about them and how they’re doing. At the end, the construction for a new orphanage in Begus becomes available.
– Cookie and Spectra can appear in Lum’s orphanage for a special event, if you finished the events with Kenzie and the other spirits in act 1. The magic riddle area is done when you found all 6 hiding children and brought them back to the entrance area.
– The first dialog with Tsubaki after the start of the game now shows her newer full body CG.
– Grey apparently got lost and was standing around in the new church building without a purpose. He was guided back home.
– When you didn’t select to convince Brad to stay as a girl during his events, you can’t unlock his wedding events, but you can replay them now in the CG room to not miss out on the content.
– Scropions got added as roaming monsters on the worldmap in Dorgania.
– When you have a Teleport Rune item for the Thremten thieves guild, you’ll now get an icon on the fast travel screen to teleport there without having to search for the item in your inventory.
– All systems have the “import/export saves” feature now in the options menu, which allows save files to be transfered from or to android systems.
– New area “Lamia Forest” where you can fight and capture water and green lamias. The icon to enter the area is east of Aldlyn in act 2 of the time skip events.
– You get the automatic victory against the water lamia enemies on the new map without the need for a battle when Ryen is level 99+, and against green lamias when he’s level 140+. With an empty Soul Lantern item in your inventory, you get the choice whether to defeat or capture the monstergirl.
– The captured green lamias can be released at Tabsy’s farm and produce weak love potions. Their relationship can be increased, but there is no CG scene at 100 relationship. The CG scene for green lamias can be obtained in the nature raid challenge.
– At the end of the lamia forest is a repeatable lamia boss enemy, who drops 3 love potions when defeated. After the first victory, it’ll appear at a random place in the forest again when you re-enter the area.
– The new lamia enemies all have an increased base hit chance to counter evasions, and have a lower chance to get hit by critical strikes. This will be done with more strong and new enemies, to lower the power of crit and evasion over basic stats on equipment a bit.
– The new skill “Critical Reflex” allows you to get a buff with a similar effect, which greatly reduces the chance of enemies to land a critical strike against you. An item to teach the skill to one party member can be found twice in the new lamia forest.
– When you picked the option during Brad’s events to convince him to stay as a girl, and the church near Thremten was constructed on the country overview map, then entering the new Lamia Forest area in act 2 of the time skip events will unlock a new event with Brad. This event will start with an icon at Aldlyn in act 2.
– Fertilizer, seeds, and plants from the nature raid dungeon can now be sold for a small amount of gold. The primary idea behind this is to allow people to sell things they don’t want or need, to let them clean their inventory.
– The walking speed doesn’t increase anymore when you teleport to the Spire of Courage with the Fast Travel system.
– There was an issue when people changed their class to the advanced level 200 class and then afterwards advanced the story of the character and got the class change to a weaker class in the events. This won’t be possible later, when the time skip is done and you can’t go “back in time” anymore, but it was possible in the current version of the system. To fix the class for people that have already encountered this problem, a check was added when you enter the time skip phase, which automatically fixes the class of characters to the level 200 class when they have it unlocked but not active.
– The beach event of Akai was added as a replay option in the CG room.
– The effect of Tsubaki’s “Battle Cry” skill now only lasts for 5 turns.
– The accessory item “Spiked Choker” can be bought in the blacksmith of Aldlyn. When the choker is equipped, the character fights automatically with only basic attacks. This effect has no turn limits.
– New CG for Naevy’s first CG scene, to make the artstyle consistent.
– Fixed a bug which allowed you to use the whetstone Herai-ya to craft the upgraded Setsuna+ at the fire raid anvil without getting the normal Setsuna first.
– The green lamia enemies in the nature raid dungeon are now automatically defeated when Ryen is level 95+. (These green lamias, same as all other monsters in the Spire of Courage, can’t be captured.)
– A cheat to increase the level of all party members was added to the [Fixes/Cheats] menu.
– The quest “Skilltree” is now obtained after Trey joins your party at the start of the game. The event will also show the message “You can now access the “Fast Travel” screen via the menu, to quickly get to unlocked locations, but also to access the CG room, skilltree, and later country management options.” The text of the quest was also changed to adjust it to the new way to enter the skilltree screen.
– The experience values enemies give when they’re defeated was changed. The new values are connected to the enemy’s level, and are significantly increased for most enemies. The change makes the experience more consistent between enemies with similar strength, and decreases the necessary time to get to high levels. [For non-boss/event enemies from level 1-49 the experience is “level*40-120” and for level 50+ you get “level*55-300” experience.]
– Fixed a problem with Chastitty’s battle, which made it possible to get the rewards without fighting.
– The main story now advances when you talk with Varea in Manastyr or the sleeping chambers.
It’ll give you the connection from the present time to the time skip area, which isn’t fully done yet, but has some new content.
– New dialog in act 1 with the vanguard forces.
– New dialog in act 1 with Flaire near Thremten (when she is on her good route)
– New dialog in act 1 with the Orchel elves after the racism quest is done.
– New dialog in act 1 with Sparky near The Black Twin Towers of Honor when you finished her riddle and brawl battle with Brad.
– New dialog in act 1 with Demoness at the Spire of Courage when you finished her events with Naevy.
– New dialog in act 1 with the raiders at the Spire of Courage when you defeated the fire raid at least once.
– New dialog in act 1 with Libelle in Aldlyn when you have her CG scene done.
– New dialog in act 1 with Aiyana in the forest south of Red Keep (if you returned Eagle and had the scene with Flora)
– New dialog in act 1 with Mozaik and Pandora at Tabsy’s big farm. Requires their previous events.
– New dialog in act 1 with Cassedy in Witton after finishing the good or bad route with the Luminous Order.
– New dialog in act 1 with Ziki at Ironholm Prison when the events with her and Shanna are done.
– New dialog in act 1 with Lucilla in the forest in the north of Dorgania, west of Havaria Port. This dialog will unlock a new event in the same spot in act 2.
In the new area in act 2, Thiro’s dungeon, you can currently do 5 challenges with:
– The original 6 vanguard leaders.
– Sparky. (After the challenge of Sparky is done, talk with her again for a CG scene.)
– Lady Akira, Kurohime, and Citrinne.
– Shanna, Naomi, and Ziki.
– Jackie, Lexi, Jenny, and Flaire when she is on her good route.
[Once all challenges are done, you can get a battle and CG scene with Thiro.]
– A new accessory was added, which gives the character who equips it triple experience from battles. (Experience gained from events or quests is not affected.)
You can get one on the first map of the easy dungeon in the Spire of Courage, and Aiyana can give you three more in act 1 of the time skip events. For Aiyana’s dialog to appear in act 1, you need to be on her good path and finish her scene with Flora first.
– The lore about races in Ellanore’s dialog was changed, and a few images were added to show and explain the new categories and the life spans of the different races better.
– Fixed a problem with Alcena’s squad’s ability to attack twice per turn.
– Fixed a bug with Akai’s “Steam Gun” quest, which prevented the quest to finish and advance properly sometimes. If you encountered the bug, going back into Akai’s workshop will automatically fix the issue and set the quest to complete when entering the building through the door.
I made an extra test version for the android .apk, with a custom made plugin by ryanu to import and export save files on android. Due to issues with my phone, I wasn’t able to properly test this feature, so I’m uploading it as an additional version for testing, rather than adding it to the normal .apk version. Please let me know if this new feature works for you.
– New event with the elemental spirits. It’s start with a dialog with Aura on the time skip Act 1 map.
The new events only appear when you have:
1. Mira’s events in the temple island until the point where you first meet Kathreena.
2. Windpsirit is in Ebron [Requires the main story in Dorgania to be advanced, and Vampire’s CG scene, so that Windspirit is in the top left of Aldlyn. After you talk with her there, she moves to Ebron.]
[You can access the test version of the time skip content when you interact with the sparkling book in Ryen’s bedroom in the castle of Aldlyn by selecting the “Time skip preview” option.]
– Naevy full body CG remake added
– New full body CG for Windspirit
– New full body CG and CG scene image for the Icespirit Aura
– CG room changes: Selka was moved to the page “Others 2” and Baemeth to “Non-human 2”
– New walkthrough design with additional details to many parts, like individual pages for each character and all quests to have more space to explain everything you need to know. There are also more pictures to show locations of important objects, new riddle solutions, and much more.
Some equipment pieces have new locations to purchase them, to ensure that everything is obtainable:
– Ring of Regeneration (Kavrala’s store in Orchel)
– Ring of Health (Kavrala’s store in Orchel)
– Ribbon (Kavrala’s store in Orchel)
– Thunder Armor (Kavrala’s store in Orchel) [Also sold at the blacksmith in Diminus Castle.]
– Protective Gold Bracelet (Kavrala’s store in Orchel)
– Black Hat (Magic store in Newkungu)
– Black Clothes (Magic store in Newkungu) [Also dropped by weak mummies.]
– Magic Robe of Earth (Magic store in Newkungu)
– Revealing Clothes (Magic store in Newkungu)
– Heart Shape Amulet (Lalizan store on a table)
– Hammer (Kagabangui blacksmith)
– Water Blade (Kagabangui blacksmith)
– Righteous Dagger (Kagabangui blacksmith on a table)
– Black Blade (Magic store in Calterburry)
Update 24.05.31 changes:
– The war system in the time skip preview was advanced significantly:
Battles in Amagal:
1. Yin Tower [Dialog with Joel and Yasmine before the battle of either the Yin or Yang Tower. The Yin Tower is defended by Yasmine.]
2. Yang Tower [Dialog with Joel and Yasmine before the battle of either the Yin or Yang Tower. The Yang Tower is defended by Joel.]
3. Barracks [The barracks are defended by Fulbertus. After your victory, if Atherune isn’t captured yet, she’ll hear about Fulbertus defeat and comment on it.]
4. Manastyr outside [Defended by Atherune. Story dialog with Zavier and Ryland before the battle.]
5. Manastyr inside [Defended by Zavier and Ryland. Zavier does an AoE attack each turn, Ryland “revives” the first time you defeat him. Story event after your victory, which unlocks the battles against Dorgania.]
Battles in Dorgania:
[The battles in the north are more difficult than in the south, but each battle gives the active vanguard squads permanent stat bonuses to make them stronger. This way, more battles give you more story and make the following battles easier.]
1. North Tower 1 [Defended by Lux.]
2. North Tower 2 [Defended by Wacko.]
3. Central Bridge [Defended by Alexandra. She retreats to Lualombo after the battle.]
4. Bridge near Sinasoka [When the Orchel elves are your allies, they’ll sabotage/destroy the two barricades of the enemies.]
5. Newkungu [When you’re married to Shanna, she’ll get rid of one enemy unit after 3 turns.]
6. El Arma Gravesite [Time limit for the battle due to an incoming sandstorm.]
7. Tajurata Fort [Defended by Draven. After his defeat, he’ll tell you more about the situation in Kagabangui and the reason for the war.]
8. Luolambo [Defended by Alexandra.]
9. Rakake [Defended by Loki.]
10. Siriveta [Defended by Gawyn.]
11. Sunee
12. Lalizan [Defended by Vaurghas.]
13. Minsk Harbour [You have the option to attack from the water or land at the start of the battle. When the chest isn’t looted within a few turns, Phewyss comes with a ship, steals the treasure, and leaves.]
14. Kagabangui [Defended by Barnabe. Defeating him will finish the battle and leads to Dorgania’s capitulation.]
– I added four !-events on the war map, which increase the strength of your regular army. This strength value is used during the battles in which you pick the option to leave the fighting to your army, instead of using the vanguards to fight yourself.
– Multiple other !-events show events and dialogs with different characters during the events of the war.
– Ending the turn twice in the war phase after defeating Begus will make a new force appear from the east. They have a story at the start of the battle and after your first victory. Afterwards it turns into a repeatable bonus battle.
– Added an achievement for winning the war against Dorgania after defeating Barnabe.
Other changes:
– Events and CG scene with Selka. Starts in the barracks of the vanguard forces when you speak with Selka after her squad reached level 3, and you had your first dialog with her in the barracks.
– Changed Sparky’s brawler battle against Brad to not show the small Brad next to the big CG of Sparky anymore.
– Changes the costs of recruits for new vanguard squads from 4 to 2, as they’re not as fast and easy to produce anymore as in the old system of the country management map.
– Fixed an issue which caused Lind’s CG to stay on the screen after her last battle.
– Changed the face images of Icespirit in the first encounter with her to the new CG version.
– Added a way to donate Wood and Stone items from your inventory on the country overview map.
– Fixed the exit of the vanguard squad overview screen, so that it brings you back to the war map when you enter the screen from there.
– New brawler battles for Brad. One in the tower east of Kagabanui, one in the tower slightly south of the first tower, and after those two battles you can challenge their master in Lalizan.
– In “Act 1” of the time skip events, the military commanders of the other nations are introduced in multiple events. A lot of them appear in casual clothes, while they will wear other outfits during the war phase.
[You can access the test version of the time skip content when you interact with the sparkling book in Ryen’s bedroom in the castle of Aldlyn by selecting the “Time skip preview” option.]
– The new military commanders have short dialogs before and after some of the battles in Begus during the war act of the time skip preview events. You can get these dialogs by using the icon over Aldlyn to replay the battles. (Terese near Parverhill, Robin at the border near Ironholm Prison, Godfreed near Witton, and the other three in the battle of Calterburry)
– New event in the time skip act “Preg.” It appears as a sparkling icon over Newkungu in Dorgania when both Shanna and Naomi are pregnant and married to you. After this event, the same sparkling icon will appear in the “Birth” act, and give you a CG scene with the two foxgirl sisters.
– The lightning brawler Sparky, which you can meet in the Black Twin Towers of Honor, has a full body CG image now. She was added to the CG room page “Others 2.”
– New full body CG and character sprite for Flaire, the leader of the Thremten thieves guild.
– Fixed a bug in Tsiom’s event, which prevented you from progressing Brad’s story with her when you changed to the level 200 class before doing her event.
– Changed watchtowers on the worldmap to be “below” players, so that you can walk through them.
– Fixed an issue with randomized battles in the black twin towers of honor.
– In Act 4 of the time skip, a !-icon appears at Aldlyn, which triggers an event to unlock a new area in the top left corner of the map.
– The new area will introduce several new characters.
– The events serve to teach you more about legendary monstergirls, and to introduce characters needed for the war phase later in the time skip.
– The fairies on the special island in the brexeet isles were changed to have the same appearance as the fairies in the new area.
– In Lalizan, when you chase Kippy, she now moves on the spot she is hiding behind the palm tree, to make it easier to find her.
– When Kippy is hiding behind the palm tree, a new npc appears near the tent next to her. This slave trader is meant to guide you into that area where Kippy is hiding, but also sells you a slave with a CG scene. The trader stays in this location, even when you advanced Kippy’s event. You just need Kippy’s event to make him appear.
– The scene of the slave trader gives you a choice, which decides whether you see the CG scene or not, but the outcome is the same, as the slave will end up in your castle either way. She’ll be in one of the rooms in the bottom of the sleeping chambers, where Coral and Lace can also be. It’s possible to replay the CG scene of the slave regardless of which choice you picked.
– Added a new full body CG image for Earthspirit in the forest of Ebron.
– The CG for the scene with Earthspirit was remade, and the text changed to fit to the new images better. You can check all of the new CGs in the CG room, and replay the scene to see the new text. (CG room page “Non-human 3”)
– Added a remake of the full body CG of the Firespirit, including a version without flames. The new images can be seen in the CG room page “Non-human 3.”
– Changed the system of the red and blue flame in Lielle’s treasure dungeon (with Tourax) to reduce lags due to parallel processes in the background.
– The caravaan trader to buy usable items for the vanguards and exchange artifacts is back. It was gone after the recent changes to the overview map, since the old trading screen was removed. It’s now available again as an icon near Aldlyn.
– Fixed the text of Battle/Protection/Magic Knowledge, and Rune Stone research, to show the correct amount that you produced.
– Fixed a bug that caused the old overview map UI to appear after vanguard battles.
– Fixed a bug which caused f-Grey to stay in your group when leaving Fürstenstein in a certain way.
– Fixed a bug with the sparkling speech bubble icons for requests on the country management map. In saves in which they were unusable, using the “turn end” button once will reset the request icons and fix the issue.
– Fixed an issue with the alchemy table in Whisperwind Farm, which caused the quest “Armor Breaking” not to finish properly. People who have the quest not marked as done due to this bug can use the teleport orb item to get the quest log updated.
– Extract to the desired location.
– Click on “Game.exe” to start playing.
Game Info:
Tags: 2DCG, Role Playing, Sandbox
Release date: 2024-11-28
Developer/Publisher: Naughty Netherpunch
Game Engine: RPGM
Censorship: Uncensored
Version: 24.11.28 [Ongoing]
Platform: Windows, Android (APK), MAC, Linux
Language: English
2D Game, 2DCG, Adventure, Ahegao, Anal Sex, Animated, BDSM, Big Ass, Big Tits, Cheating, Combat, Corruption, Cosplay, Creampie, Fantasy, Footjob, Furry, Futa/trans, Groping, Group Sex, Handjob, Harem, Humiliation, Incest, Internal View, Lesbian, Male Domination, Male Protagonist, Management, Milf, Mobile Game, Monster Girl, Oral Sex, Pregnancy, Prostitution, Force, Romance, RPG, Sandbox, Slave, Strategy, Stripping, Teasing, Tentacles, Titfuck, Trainer, Transformation, Turn Based Combat, Vaginal Sex, Virgin.
Renryuu: Ascension Walkthrough
General Info:
– You can continue to play your old progress by copying the old save folder into the folder of the new game version.
– Saveslot 19 and 20 are used for auto-saves. Don’t save your own progress there if you don’t want it to get overwritten with auto-saves or toggle off auto-saves in the main menu.
– You can find a “update files only” zip in the download folder, which contains only the changed/added files since the last version 24.10.16. If you already have the previous version you can download these files by themselves instead of downloading the entire game again. These files are not necessary when you download the entirely new game version “Renryuu Ascension Testversion 06.11.16”.
I would appreciate it if someone could help me by writing a good summary/description of the game. I would use this to replace my outdated game description at the places the game has been posted.
Renryuu: Ascension Game Download
– PC/Windows
Size: 1.79 GB
Size: 316 MB
– Android (APK)
Size: 1.62 GB
Size: 1.92 GB
– Linux
Size: 1.80 GB
– Update Only
Game Credits
Naughty Netherpunch SubscibeStar – Blog – Discord – – Steam – Wiki
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