Monster Girl Dreams [v26.1a Alpha] [Threshold]


Monster Girl Dreams Latest Version: Ongoing Adult xxx Porn Game Download For Windows, Android (APK), MAC, Linux with Walkthrough. Download And Play Free 18+ Adult Games Only On 18AdultGames.

About “Monster Girl Dreams” Game

Monster Girl Dreams is a text-based BFRPG made in Ren’Py. (The BF stands for Battle Fuck.)
The game is currently in alpha and is in active development, and while primarily text-based there is character art for many of the lovely ladies in the game.

Erotic content contained within is primarily vanilla, M/F, femdom, and of course monster girls.

In Monster Girl Dreams you play as a male adventurer, freshly graduated from the adventuring school, Adventum!

Now you must venture across the home continent of the monster girl, Lucidia, in an attempt to get rich or get fucked into submission trying. Also, defeat the Demon Queen. Maybe.


v26.1a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it’s patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they’re safe.

  • Fixed ticket variable using the old one and not the new one causing a crash if you’ve never played the slime parade game. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Mod menu drag and drop now copies rather than moves files to improve file permission compatibility. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Repeat Beris brothel visits now properly swap to an inn room BG.
  • Order a Shot Glass of Angel Ambrosia. scene now properly swaps from the bar BG to the player room BG.
  • Small typo fixes.

v26.1 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it’s patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they’re safe.

  • Sofia’s third fight’s second phase now has an ass focused follow up to enslaving embrace, similar to the kiss and breast focused versions, including a specific loss scene if you lose to it. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
  • Ceris now has a ‘I feel like I need a shower or a bath…’ option/scene in the third phase of her sex rotation in her room when you’re winding down. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
  • If you have Stella’s Bag with you, a scene can now occur in the player’s room whenever you sleep there until morning. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
  • Nova now has a Thighjob scene. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
  • A long shift at Venefica’s now has a new scene called ‘Milk me with your mouth!’ as an ending option. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
  • Lovol now has a pussy eating scene in the arcade if you’ve done her handjob scene at the kiosk, the new scene triggers at a random chance when you leave. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
  • Lovol now has a titfuck scene in the arcade if you ask her for it if you’ve done her handjob scene at the kiosk. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.


  • The inn’s lobby with Vivian now has its own background. By Houra.


  • Added save sync feature, allowing transfer of all saves between devices in one pass code, including between desktop and mobile platforms. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • NOTE: Ren’Py Sync is a new feature for MGD, and so the game might not gracefully handle switching between desktop and android in some situations. You may want to wait a minor patch or two before using it. If you do try it, please report any issues you run into.
  • Downloading in the mod menu from a URL has been improved with responsive step-by-step feedback through its interface. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • You can now drag and drop a mod .zip file from your desktop onto the game window while in the Downloads section of the mod menu. This will place it in your mods folder. You still need to press ‘Install’! By feltcutemightcleanlater.

Slime Parade Minigame

  • Completely overhauled how the slime parade minigame internals for better performance, also removing the jarring stutter. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Fruit in slime parade now have an animation when appearing. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • You can no longer input your parade into the opposite direction you’re moving and cause a game over. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Tweaked the speed intervals for progression, and as the game progresses it now overall moves faster.
  • More fruit now appear on screen as the game progresses.


  • Added IfDifficultyIs function, checking if the difficulty matches the given value. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Added NoExp Perk Type, which disables all types of exp gain from winning and losing. Use it carefully. By feltcutemightcleanlater.


  • Fixed input persisting to the map menu while viewing the character menu on Android. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • The tooltip for defense down and up effects properly reflects increases/decreases.
  • Fixed an incorrect call for the imp’s guy silhouette layers.
  • Berri Cherri Jelly now actually heals your energy instead of your arousal.
  • Fixed a call for a random shuffle in the menu command using an outdated version of the function causing crashes.
  • May have fixed an issue where gridmap inputs were still getting registered after leaving the gridmap eventually leading to an overflow in the system and crashing, requires you to go into a grid map again or just in and out of town square.
  • Small tweak to Venefica’s phase transition that should make it so the song swap doesn’t get skipped, and should also be more dramatic for the scene.
  • Fixed an issue that a character image could linger on screen when using a shortcut on the power side of the temple.
  • Mobile has the ensured capability to rename saves again after an oversight. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Fixed status effect text not being sent to the character menu dialogue box on hover. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Fixed assorted typos and editing fixes.

v26.b Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.

Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it’s patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they’re safe.

Notice from v25.6: Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.

Mini Game Balancing

  • The Rogue in Fertilia Fertilia now spends more time trying to ambush you before breaking off, can see 1 tile further, and will now eventually break off from directly chasing if it spots you to reposition.


  • Fixed an accidental crash related to new games and the shop. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Fixed testedFor version check error in meta jsons for mods, and a formatting issue. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Fixed crash related to characters with no art or with art toggled off. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Fixed a misnamed event link when you choose not to get any bag of gummi slimes in the arcade.
  • Fixed some instances in the arcade of trying to exchange for items and not having enough tickets breaking the event.
  • Fixed a crash related to nightmare mode when trying to add new monsters to an ongoing encounter.
  • You can now actually catch a Fool’s Goldfish when fishing and it’s event isn’t just floating off in the void.
  • Elena can now actually use her Frazzled expression.
  • Fixed an incorrect scene jump in Bed-Chan’s room due to the temple short cuts.
  • Fixed an incorrect scene jump at the Big Lake for going to see people vs talking to Silver.
  • Fixed getting caught entering Venefica’s garden triggering the caught in hallway variant.
  • Nightbane and Static rush now actually target your energy and don’t try to heal arousal based on your max energy.
  • Consumable items that have multiple effects no longer chide you for wasting them if it’s detecting you didn’t have a status effect but get healed in some manner.
  • The Fragrance Rune perk no longer sneaks its way into the perks the player can take on leveling up.
  • Platinum Timekeeper’s stat bonuses now match it’s description.
  • If you’ve been playing Impchinko and no longer have the money to keep playing the Impchinko board no longer stays around as you’re put to the main arcade menu.
  • Lovol and the arcade intro no longer share a variable allowing the intro to be repeated for both of them. Lovol arcade intro will need to be done again due to this change.
  • Fixed assorted typos and similar.

v26.a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.

Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it’s patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they’re safe.

Notice from v25.6: Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.


  • Fixed gummi slime ticket exchange breaking.
  • Fixed the Fertilia Fertilia minigame breaking due to a missing “GoToMap”, from accidental deletion.
  • Fixed checking what Fertilia Fertilia is about not properly jumping back to the menu and instead breaking the event as it’s scene jump never got renamed.
  • Fixed an issue where escaping the CG with the capital intro boss would crash the game.
  • Fixed an issue where hitting Enter or similar commands would soft lock you on the grid map. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Fixed displaying the last seen shopping feedback from previous shopping trips you had anywhere. Requires entering and exiting a shopping menu at least once. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Fixed the chance of any shopping menu not listing the items/skills to purchase, requiring an interaction first. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Fixed issue for mobile users renaming saves being unable to hit confirm. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Fixed missing nameplates in two places.

v26 Change Log

Remember to load your save from the town square.

Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it’s patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they’re safe.

Notice from v25.6: Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.


  • The Capital’s Eros District is now available, featuring clothing stores, small restaurants, and the Arcade!
  • This includes interactions with new and old NPCs, and foundational worldbuilding for the rest of the Capital (mostly non-lewd stuff).
  • This update also introduces a total of 18 new Accessories, 9 new Runes, 3 new consumable items, and 4 new food Perks.
  • Two of the shopkeepers have lewd scenes that require progress, in one case through expensive purchases, and in the other from meeting them in a prior quest. Written by Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
  • The Arcade includes a few minigames and a ticket exchange system for prizes.
  • New Mountain event: “Lizard Toll Bridge”. Currently requires having met Kyra. By Oluap, edited by Valentin Cognito and Threshold.
  • Lizard Toll Bridge event includes very slightly tweaked dialogue and combat for the lizard girls involved, but they currently still use the normal loss/win scenes. By Threshold. (More expansive lizard girl tune-ups are intended in the future.)


  • Stylish Jacket now gives 50 max Energy up from 25.
  • The Gildara Orb now has 25 base damage up from 20, and its damage range is now 50%-200% up from 50%-150%.


  • Nicci’s hair had a slight tune up. Art by Jiffic.
  • Elena’s art revision and her new expressions have been applied. Art by Jiffic.
  • The Capital intro boss now has a lewd CG used in both her fight and her loss scene. Art by ADOPOLICH.


  • The song Killer Roll is no longer ear-blastingly loud.
  • You can no longer input { or [ into save file names (which caused problems), and the way the game stops you from putting them into your name has been tweaked. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • The description of difficulty changes has been moved to the character menu in the top right for smoother UI visuals, which also allows you to check what difficulty you’re playing. Additionally, difficulty modifiers can now easily be checked during character creation. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • There is now a [PlayersInput] text function to swap between “click” and “tap” depending on your platform for some in-game instructions. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • The “hover over tile” indicator is now gray beyond the four tiles immediately adjacent to the player for visual clarity. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • There is now an exp bar in the character menu for visual readability. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • You can now easily check how much Sensitivity or Fetish you can remove at the Church in the character menu by checking the stat tooltip. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Revamped character appearance menu with color picker, and colored hue sliders. By feltcutemightcleanlater. (You may need to redo your character appearance.)
  • Mods that users extract incorrectly now have a ‘Fix Path’ button in the in-game mod menu. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • The save rename feature has been updated to a less disorienting pop-up menu. By feltcutemightcleanlater.


  • You can now add in “NPC”, “NameOfNPC” to “IfGridNPCSeesPlayer” to change it to look for another grid npc.
  • When using “GoToMap”, you can now call “PlayerIcon” to then give an image to swap the player icon with.


  • On Hard difficulty, the Charmed status effect tool tip now properly tells you its effects instead of the Normal difficulty effects.
  • Fixed a few of Belle’s bar scenes not clearing pent up status effects.
  • Fixed a few bar scenes not advancing time.
  • Unbound Rune now properly mentions it also boosts removal of restraints, not just resistance to restraints.
  • Fixed Allure, Technique, and Luck, not properly distinguishing between your base stat and a status effect-boosted stat, which meant the info shown was slightly wrong.
  • You can now use dissonantItems [Manticore Spike] at rest points properly.
  • You can now use dissonantItems [Manticore Spike] when the game pops up with “You continue on your adventure. You can access your inventory!”. Yes, this was a different problem from the prior fix.
  • SFX no longer has fade in/fade out times, so as to not mess with shorter sound bites.
  • When you lose and it displays the ‘shaking with lust’ line, it no longer displays a name seemingly at random.
  • Fixed an incorrect image path for one of Venefica’s expressions.
  • Turning down Beris or Mara while working at the bar now properly swaps the background.
  • Holding movement/Moving the player too fast for your computer/phone on the gridmap will no longer cause the game to stall and cause unintended turns to pass in most situations. By feltcutemightcleanlater and Threshold.
  • Holding movement on the gridmap no longer stalls events triggering until you let go of the button. By feltcutemightcleanlater and Threshold.
  • Ushris now actually has Nightshade Worship in her skill list to use when you’re in the footjob stance with her and at full Paralysis.
  • Fixed a very rare chance for the game to crash when characters show or move around on screen. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Fixed monsters being added mid-encounter not having properly scaled exp and eros drops while in Nightmare Mode in the Labyrinth.
  • Fixed an issue with player character brightness going out of whack. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • Fixed some status effects wearing off on monsters not displaying text properly.
  • Triggering multiple events on the gridmap now triggers all of them in sequence.
  • You can no longer input invalid characters in the mod menu nor proceed when link verification fails in certain situations. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • A few general typo fixes and edits.

v25.8a Change Log

Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it’s patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they’re safe.
Notice from v25.6 : Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.


  • Fixed an issue where the game could crash if you went straight to exploring after skipping the intro.
  • Fixed a crash when starting the gridmap if you’ve never been on a gridmap prior.
  • Fixed a crash related to enemies struggling out of stances.
  • Fixed a crash related to the player struggling out of stances.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking/tapping anywhere on a gridmap would proc a tile event if you were on one, such as a trap, which could lead to a number of accidental lewds.
  • Tabitha’s silhouette no longer has bits of her normal art peeking through in her initial intro.
  • Fixed using gridmap interact actions [like triggering a trap intentionally, or the door] not making the npcs move after that.
  • Fixed mods adding new victory scenes to monsters through additions to monsters who have 0 scenes not actually playing the added scenes.
  • Assorted typo and editing fixes.



– Extract to the desired location.
– Click on “Game.exe” to start playing.

Game Info:

Tags: 3DCG, Adventure

Release date: 2024-06-04

Developer/Publisher: Threshold

Game Engine: Ren’Py

Censorship: Uncensored

Version: 26.1a [Ongoing]

Platform: Windows, Android (APK), MAC, Linux

Language: English


3DCG, Adventure, Ahegao, Anal Sex, BDSM, Big Ass, Big Tits, Creampie, Drugs, Fantasy, Female Domination, Footjob, Groping, Group Sex, Harem, Lactation, Male Domination, Male Protagonist, Mind Control, Mobile Game, Monster Girl, Multiple Endings, Oral Sex, Prostitution, Force, Romance, RPG, Sex Toys, Sleeping, Spanking, Text Based, Titfuck, Transformation, Turn Based Combat, Vaginal Sex.

Monster Girl Dreams Walkthrough


Monster Girl Dreams Game Download

Windows / Linux


Size: 765 MB


Android (APK)


Size: 766 MB




Size: 745 MB


Game Credits

Threshold PatreonSubscribeStarItch.ioDiscordTwitter

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