Become Alpha [v0.3.63] [Grave Mercutio]


Become Alpha Latest Version: Ongoing Adult xxx Porn Game Download For Windows, MAC, Linux with Walkthrough. Download And Play Free 18+ Adult Games Only On 18AdultGames.

About “Become Alpha” Game

Harry Panuchkin is a cliché kid from the suburbs – skinnier than the lamppost, whiter than bleached asshole, and a mouth full of gangsta rap trivia.

You can say he’s a moron with a boring life, but just so happens that he’s on a verge of a great adventure.

And like every great adventure it’s a great opportunity for life transformation.

So help Harry become the alpha male he always wanted to be. Long story short –

Become Alpha is a porn game with a kick-ass branching story line, quests, an RPG-like experience system, and the possibility to have sex with many partners.

It’s also pretty damn funny.



1. Fixed missing images during the search activity
If you were experiencing errors with missing pictures during search activity – this should be now fixed.

2. New effect: Stiff dick
I added new effect – Stiff Dick – that you will get when wearing Paul’s Cockring. It will raise your sex stats – vigour by +2 and orgasm stat by +2.

3. Diamond’s cutting dick effect changed
This effect will raise your sex stats – vigour by +3 and orgasm stat by +3.

4. Old dildo item changed
It will now raise your domination by 125%.

5. Fixed missing icons
Icons for consumables were missing if you updated the game by downloading update zip. This is now fixed and unified between versions.

6. Fixed the mobile version of the sidebar
There was an error in the sidebar if you were not a subscriber and played the game for longer time. This should be now fixed.

7. Fixed a problem with errors on the player screen
The errors that were appearing in the console when you opened a player screen should now be fixed.

8. Fixed a problem with errors on the sex screen
The errors that were appearing in the console when you opened a sex screen should now be fixed.

9. Fixed an error with putting on clothing during sex
There were errors when players changed clothing during sex. They should be now fixed.

10. Minor text edits here and there

11. Some other code changes here and there


  • 2 more quests for Rose
  • “Did it Really Happen?” quest
  • “Cooking (Meth) with Jason” quest
  • Corgis quest
  • New sex-battle system
  • And finally, the invasion

1. New domain
Just in case someone didn’t see my posts – the game has a new domain Let me know if everything works correctly.

2. New Fap Mode code
There’s a new Fap Mode code. You can get it here: Get Fap Mode code

3. Clothing system
I added a clothing system to the game! The way it works is super simple – there’s three categories: outfit, headwear, and accessory. In each category you can wear one item at a time. When you wear an item, you will get love/dom multipliers (some of them also has specific effects). That’s basically it.
How to get clothing items? It’s simple – by default you start with Cheap Clothing outfit, which is pretty bad. You can either buy new clothing items in the Market Center, or find them by searching different locations. The ones you can buy are common and much worse then the ones you can find, which are unique and give way better stats. Also, there are items accessible only if you’re The Messiah, The Cult Leader, or The Alpha Male. The list of all the items is available on my Discord.
Remember that if you’ll go outside without wearing an outfit, there’s a big chance the police will appear and arrest you.
In the close future, when I’ll finally add promised sex battles, there will be a chance that losing a battle will make you lose the items you’re wearing, however for now the clothing items are indesctructable.
One last note – for the groin guard to protect you from kick in the balls, you gotta be wearing it. Otherwise it won’t work.

4. New effects
Together with clothing items, I also added some new effects to the game, or changed the way old effects work. IMPORTANT NOTE – those effects won’t do anything for now, but I added them because I will need them soon, when I finally manage to add the stuff I promised years ago, which are sex battles with hags and femboys (also bimbos and ubertrans). I don’t want to go into many details, but basically – you won’t be the only one hunting for sex in the game.
Here’s a list of new effects and description what they will do:

  • Hag-Magnet – chance of encountering Hags is double.
  • Femboy-magnet – chance of encountering Femboys is double.
  • Ass filled – Femboys are always friendly and will not attack.
  • Holy Spirit – you automatically win sex battles with Femboys.
  • Swag – you automatically win sex battles with Hags.
  • Luck – you have a higher chance for random events.
  • Hag Repellant – Hags won’t attack you (you can still hunt them).
  • Femboy Repellant – Femboys won’t attack you (you can still hunt them).

5. Skipping events and others
So I decided to give player ability to skip random events, because it seems quite annoying when an event that you played many times before happens again.
Additionally, I made some cosmetic changes around skipping of the level ups buttons.

6. New hoes!!!
Added 2 new hoes for “Look for hoes” activity in The Slaughterhouse club and in the random event in the VIP room.

7. Strippers!!!
So in the VIP room in The Slaughterhouse club you can now watch some strippers dancing. There’s shitload of them – mostly asians (for some reason asian strippers have the best content available online), but also some ebony, some trans, and some others. One of the strippers is also available for pick up if you’re lucky (either through random event in the VIP room, or through “Look for hoes” activity).

8. Reroll for hookers, hoes and strippers
If you’re using Fap Mode, then you will be able to reroll hookers, hoes and strippers. Reroll costs domination and love, but I think it helps to make the game more interesting by giving the player ability to skip the girl he already interacted with, and fine the one he didn’t met before.

9. Beach events
I added some small random events on the beach with random clips with fucking and solo action, both straight and trans. It’s very simple, but adds some variety before some bigger content is added to the beach location.

10. New location – clothing store
There’s a new location in the Market Center where you can buy clothing.

11. Added search activity in more locations
Basically, you can now search locations like – Beach, Local Park, Prestige Gym, College Gym, College Mess Hall. Many of those new locations come with some unique clothing items to be found. I also added some unique items to the old search activities.

12. What goes around, cums around is now public
This quest is now public. Have fun!

Other changes
13. Divided confession into two activities

Before, the confession was one event, both when you wanted to confess, and to pretend to be a priest and listen to confession of some poor woman (and fuck them afterwards if you’re lucky). Now, these are two different activities – if you’re not wearing the Priest Robe you will be able to confess your sins, but if you are wearing the Priest Robe you will not be able to confess, but you will be able to go into confessional and pretend you’re a priest instead.
14. Added relation buttons for Karma in the VIP room
Basically you can now chat, flirt or fuck (depending on your status with her) Karma in the VIP room when she’s there.
15. College Gym random events
I copied random events from Prestige Gym to the College Gym.
16. Changes in the Wait for prospect nuns activity
Adapted this activity to the clothing system. You need to wear a priest robe to use this activity.
17. Changes in the The Invitation quest
Adapted this quest to the clothing system. You need to wear orgy mask to get in the VIP room.
18. Changes in the Higher powers quest
Adapted this quest to the clothing system. You need to wear priest robe, sunglasses and bible to progress the quest.
19. Some small edits in the intro
Nothing major, just some rewrites to make it quicker and more interesting.
20. Some further visual updates
New icons, again adjusted colors for some buttons etc..
21. Janitor in the College dialog change
If player finished The Invitation quest, the janitor in college will now ask about loads when he catches the player after the college is closed.
22. Some smaller rewrites here and there
Bug fixes
23. Bug with invisible buttons

I fixed a problem with some in game buttons not showing up even though the prerequisites for those buttons were met.
24. Bug with random events in the VIP room
Fixed a problem with events not showing during Sunset orgy in the VIP club.
25. Some other fixes here and there


1. Four new ladies for confess activity
You can access them if you find a priest robe and go to the confessional in the church on the weekend.
2. Fixed a big VIP room bug
So it turns out that after The Invitation quest was over, when players came back to the VIP room next day or week – it was empty. This will be now fixed.
3. Fixed a missing orgy mask
After buying orgy mask, it went missing for some players. Now it should reappear in the equipment. If you still don’t see your orgy mask or you didn’t get it – let me know.
4. The Outskirts area now accessible from the start
The Outskirts area will now be visible from the start of the game, but players still needs to finish “Halloween” quest to discover The Cemetery and The Jason’s House.
5. Changed the number of days needed to start The Invitation quest
To start this quest – the in-game day needs to be 15 or later.
6. Moved Halloween and XXXmas
Before – the Halloween quest would happen around 45th day of the year (unless you’ve changed the length of the game year in settings). Now – the quest will happen at a day 13th (it was named “Halloween the 13th” for a reason).
Same as with Halloween – XXXmas was moved a bit and will now always happen after half of days in a year have passed (with default year length – it’s the 30th day of the year).

Other changes
7. Changed the day to start Hoes be Sleazy quest

To start “Hoes be Sleazy” the day has has to be 15th or later.
8. Changed the day to start Daphne’s secrets quest
Before the quest started after the day 20th, now I’ve changed it to 15th, so the quest might start earlier.
9. Changed the day to start What goes around, cums around quest
There was no limit, now the day needs to be 15.
10. Changed the delay before Twisted Sister quest
So before the way it worked that player needed to visit the church, then wait 15 days, and then Kelly appeared. Now I changed this time to 5 days.
11. Changed the delay before Higher powers quest
So before player needed to wait 10 days after “Twisted Sister” was finished for this quest to trigger. I’ve changed it to 5 days.
12. Changed the delay before Exorcisms of the burger lady quest
So before player needed to wait 15 days after “Mucho Grande” was finished for this quest to trigger. I’ve changed it to 10 days.
13. New features for testing quests
This doesn’t concern players, but I added a new feature for speeding up testing of quests – hopefully it won’t break anything.
14. A huge clean up in the media library
This doesn’t concern players, but I went through and sorted all the media files in my library, to simplify looking for content for new quests and events.
15. Some further visual updates
Adjusted hover colors for some buttons etc..
16. Some smaller rewrites here and there

Bug fixes
17. Fixed an error with The Invitation quest

Fixed a problem with players not being able to proceed “The Invitation” quest until they finished “Halloween the 13th” quest.
18. Fixed a problem with one of confess NPCs
Fixed a problem with wrong data for one of the church NPCs for confess activity.
19. Some other fixes here and there


1. The VIP room button leading to nowhere fixed
The quest button starting “The Invitation” quest was leading to nowhere if player clicked it before finishing “What goes around, cums around” quest. This is now fixed – the quest button will appear after player finishes that quest.
2. Added a scene with security guy in the VIP room
Before the player player finishes “What goes around, cums around” quest, there will be a separate button “Try to get in” but it will lead to a small scene with security guy, who tells player to go away.
3. Some other stuff
Bla bla bla.


1. New Fap Mode code
There’s a new Fap Mode code. You can get it here: Get Fap Mode code

2. The Invitation quest
This new quest introduces finally VIP room in the club. It also expands on the theme of meat cookies, that was started in previous quests.
This quest is kinda big, so let me know if anything is not working properly.
I hope you guys like it!

3. Orgies in the VIP room
After finishing “The Invitation” you can now go to an orgy at the VIP room. If you’re lucky, you’ll meet one of the girls from the “Look for hoes” activity, but this time you will be able to jump straight to sex.

4. Girl scouts
After finishing “The Invitation” you can now go to the Forest on Sunset and have some innocent fun with the girl scout (and buy more cookies).

5. VIP Dungeon
After finishing “The Invitation” you can now go to the Dungeon under VIP room for some additional action (mostly BDSM).

6. Refreshed UI
I’ve adjusted the way the UI looks (especially buttons) in different situation. The buttons should be now more visible, especially on mobile.

7. Some of the Early Access content is now public

  • “Mucho Grande” quest
  • Spanish lessons with Bridgette
  • Bridgette’s house (not much to do there still)

Other changes
8. Dealer in the club

Like in every decent club, there’s now also a dealer in the Slaughterhouse club. You can find him in the toilet, and he always carries some drugs on him.
9. Changes in the Pickup mechanic
The pickup mechanic (“Look for hoes”) was changed, so now there will be less rambling, and the narrator won’t try to help you improve your dating life if you have high enough level in the game.
10. Quality of management improvements
I’ve made some changes here and there to improve the way my work looks like in the code. You won’t notice those changes.
11. Some smaller rewrites here and there

Bug fixes
12. Error with media clips in hotel room
There was an error with media clips not loading when you search in hotel room. That should be fixed now.
13. Some other fixes here and there


1. Fixed a cash problem
So if after last update your money got lost, and you were thinking who to blame for that – blame the hookers. They do that stuff to all of us. I was there. And don’t you dare to think that it was all the fault of my weak programming. No, no, no. It was the hookers. Trust me.
And also – this should be fixed now (hopefully).

2. Even more hookers in the motel
Not much to say, besides that there are 3 new girls on the block. Check them out in the motel.

Minor bug fixes
3. Typos in changelog.
4. Fixed a problem with Daphne’s strikes not resetting.



– Extract to the desired location.
– Click on “Game.html” to start playing.

Game Info:

Tags: Real Porn, Browser Game

Release date: 2024-07-03

Developer/Publisher: Grave Mercutio

Game Engine: HTML

Censorship: Uncensored

Version: 0.3.63 [Ongoing]

Platform: Windows, MAC, Linux

Language: English


Adventure, Anal Sex, Animated, Corruption, Drugs, Female Domination, Futa/trans, Gay, Graphic Violence, Group Sex, Humiliation, Male Domination, Male Protagonist, Milf, Multiple Penetration, Interracial, Oral Sex, Real Porn, RPG, Sandbox, School Setting, Sex Toys, Strategy, Titfuck, Vaginal Sex, Voyeurism, Management, Life simulator, Alcohol, Landlady.

Become Alpha Walkthrough


Become Alpha Game Download

Windows / MAC / Linux


Size: 3.66 GB (v0.3.62 full)


Update Only: (v0.3.62 -> v0.3.63)

Size: 11 MB


Game Credits

Grave Mercutio SubscribeStarDiscord

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