Horton Bay Stories – Jake [v0.4.9.3] [Lumphorn]


Horton Bay Stories – Jake Latest Version: Ongoing Adult xxx Porn Game Download For Windows, Android (APK), MAC, Linux with Walkthrough. Download And Play Free 18+ Adult Games Only On 18AdultGames.

About “Horton Bay Stories – Jake” Game

Horton Bay Stories Jake Lumphorn Game

Welcome to our first game set in the town of Horton Bay!

Our main character, Jake (or nickname of your choosing) Rogers, finds himself at the end of his final school year and ready to head off to his local university along with his long term girlfriend and best mate.

That is until everything gets turned on it’s head and forces him to change his plans!

Now with seemingly few options, he decides to travel to the other side of the country to the coastal town of Horton Bay, where he can start fresh and try to rebuild a new life for himself!


He’ll forge new relationships, whether they be good friends, romantic interests, adulterous affairs or simply some good old, no-strings casual sex!

He’ll explore the town and meet interesting new people. Get himself a job and an education. Even find himself getting caught up in the middle of a ruthless crime war!

But most importantly, he gets to start the first chapter of the Horton Bay Stories!

Thank you for your interest and we hope you’ll like it enough to stick around for more!


Fixed: Normalised all music tracks. Volumes are signifiacantly lower across the board (0.5 is now a comfortable volume. Yes, I know it’s been over 3 years of bleeding ears, but it’s sorted now! :p).

Fixed: With NTR OFF, you’ll no longer jump to an NTR event when cleaning up the Gym at 18:00.

Fixed: Gaining Uni class attendance score outside of uni will no longer count towards your weekly attendance score if accrued on the weekend (Rhea/Stacey/Claire).

Changed: Martin/Shelley NTR scene is now available in dreams menu (need to play event again to unlock if already seen).

Changed: Tramp/Alicia desk fuck event is now repeatable after discovering Tramp’s identity (Objective triggers on Mondays while in the Uni Art wing hallway, but can be completed on any day during uni hours).

Changed: Can now can sleep til the next day in your bed at any time.

Changed: The Dream menu can now be toggled on or off from the wardrobe in your bedroom instead of prompting every time you sleep.

Changed: The ‘Go to Class’ button that appears in the mornings is now available from 06:00. If used before 09:00, you will automatically get showered and ready to leave, and time will jump to 09:00 before asking if you’d like to walk to Uni with anyone.

Added: Guitar practice with Claire (Requires offered to teach her during music class). This event will also make up for music class attendance if you missed it that day.

Added: Band Practice – Fridays 14:00 at Uni (Requires Grade 3 Music or higher).

Added: New dreams (Chase Taylor NTR).

Added: Corruption tracker for Maxine.

Added: New event with Rhea at the Library (requires Steve’s Art club painting of Rhea complete plus one other event to be unlocked).

Added: Rhea and Joan event (Rhea’s flatmate).


Fixed: During the house party in Episode 1, you can no longer walk into the Utility room to find Lucas before Christine has left for work.

Fixed: Several typos.

Fixed: Christine blowjob count now changes after Lucas invites you to join in in the livingroom at 22:00.

Fixed: Map and Location screens now automatically close when starting Amber’s first event in her bedroom.

Fixed: Can no longer speak with Didi or Marie before the first day of University.

Fixed: The Bowling Arcade will now become available on the map by entering the building (previously only unlockable during Mika’s arc).

Fixed: Speaking to Rhea at the library from the reception desk no longer breaks the event.

Fixed: The objective to accompany Adel on her first day of work can now ONLY be started from the Dining Room in the AFTERNOON, as intended.

Fixed: After completing your first day at Uni, you no longer have the option to remain in free roam before beginning the following event. (This was left over from an early update where the two events were separated by a month of development time, but should have been played back to back.)

Fixed: After saving Crystal outside the Nightclub, there is now a UI alert informing the player of updated Objectives.

Fixed: If you’ve already unlocked the Cock and Ball Pub location before the first weekend party event, you’ll no longer be informed that you’ve unlocked the location a second time during it.

Fixed: During the first party, if you end up with both twins at the end of the night, the blowjob sequence no longer skips to the wrong stage when cumming.

Fixed: Can no longer speak with Crystal at the pub before you’ve been introduced.

Fixed: After visiting Christine’s room during the morning while Lucas is also in bed with her, Christine’s events should no longer be broken for the rest of that day.

Fixed: If used the video of Gemma in the shower as part of the price of Adel’s toy, you can no longer resell that video again to Justin afterward.

Fixed: (?) If you progress Adel’s personal arc too far before she begins working at the bank, the objective should still now be completable.

Changed: New character model for Sophie.

Changed: On Saturday mornings, you can now visit Christine’s bedroom at any time and choose to skip to noon to take her on a beach date (after already taking her at least once).

Added: 8 new photos to sell to Justin.

Added: 1 new video to sell to Justin.

Added: 3 new characters to the phone. Arabella, Lionel and Mikayla.

Added: New Head Mistress and ‘Tramp’ event (available 7 days after completion of first event – for existing saves, the 7 day timer begins on load).

Added: New interior location – The Boardwalk Cafe (Complete first 4 weeks of Art Club with Amy and Rhea to unlock)

Added: Repeatable Regan event at the cafe 14:00 (available after unlocking via Art Club).

Added: NTR option for Regan cafe event.

Added: First phase of Art Club events (weeks 1-4 with Amy and Rhea).

Added: Alternate Art Club event (Polly – Week 4+).

Added: NTR Art Club event (Polly – Week 4+).

Added: New dream – Lionel (NTR).

Added: New dream – Steve (NTR).


Changed: Intelligence cap from taking classes now raised from 20 to 30.
Changed: All PURCHASED books will now grant intelligence up to 30 (max one point per day). The ‘read random magazine’ option in you bedroom bookcase is still capped at 20 intelligence.

Added: Completed Leia’s bookshop events – 2 paths, vanilla or NTR (both can be played out, however, only one of the two endings can be played).
Added: Dream scene (Justin – NTR)
Added: Dream scene (Leia)
Added: Ask Shelley about after class activies schedule.
Added: Chess Club available at 14:00 on Wednesdays in the Maths class room (requires maths grade 3 or higher).
Added: UI button to jump straight to a Uni club activity at 14:00 (replaces the ‘Begin Classes’ button) – Changes depending on day and only available while at Uni.
Added: Next main story event.
Note: While you can complete this event after reaching the basic requirements asked for on the objectives screen (Asking Tania to dance at the NightClub), advancing her relationship further than that before continuing the main story will show different scenes in this event depending on progression. There are also subtle differences with NTR turned on/off.
Added: Wake Christine up for sex (requires at least 20 Attraction points).
Added: Alternate version of Christine’s night sex event – After getting rid of Lucas, have cheat mode active and Lucas toggled back on.
This event belongs to an arc that likely won’t be completed for a little while, but is included now (dependent on cheats) for those of you who want it.


Changed: Replaced character model for Serena Fox
Changed: Shelley’s NPC guide updated
Added: Speak to Shelley at the university reception desk.
Added: Shelley can now be found in the university girl’s changing rooms at 17:00 after work.
– Multiple stages.
Added: Meet Shelley for drinks at Salty’s Beach Bar – 18:00
– Multiple stages.
Added: New character to phone – Joan.
Added: Sex with Gemma in the Utility Room at 17:00 weekdays (Chat with her) – Requires Met Gemma’s parents.


Changed: Updated Polly’s npc guide.
Changed: Stacey can now be visted in her flat at 21:00, 22:00 or 23:00 (requires that Stacey has invited you back to help with homework).
Changed: When Crystal is ‘working’ at the pub, you can now begin dialogue with her from the main room instead of having to navigate to the toilet doors.
Added: New content for Polly/Frank (NTR on) – 18:00 Yoga room
Added: New dream (Frank NTR – Unlocked after completing Polly/Frank 18:00 event).
Added: Help Polly tidy up after Yoga Class – 18:00 Yoga room
Added: Ask Christine for sex in her room at 07:00 weekdays.
Added: New video collectible (can be sold to Justin)
Added: Rudimentary toggle switch for changing Sub/Dom status with Alicia on her phone bio (requires cheat mode on and already visited Alicia in her office). – Will revisit later and do it properly, but, for now, it’s there and it works.
Added: With Cheatmode enabled, a main quest reference number is now displayed in the Main Objectives window (helpful for debugging and reporting issues).
Added: Fuck Crystal through the gloryhole at the pub (requires at least 5 attraction points – paying for her services at the pub will now increase her attraction points over 5, to a maximum of 9).


Fixed: Dialogue error when dancing with Tania.
Changed: Replaced Tilly’s character model.
Added: Have sex with Gemma before she gets dressed in the morning – Gemma’s room 07:00 weekdays.
Added: New Dream (Tania)
Added: Can now walk Tania home from the nightclub for some more fun (requires at least 9 attraction points). If Tania is still a virgin, there is a bonus event, then more content will unlock the second time you bring her home.
Added: 2 new collectible videos (sellable to Justin).
Added: Energy Drinks now purchasable. Refills your stamina (currently available at Petrol Station – more vendor locations to come).
Added: Ask Adel for sex while she’s getting dressed in the morning.
Added: Help Polly tidy up the yoga studio at 18:00 . . . or not? (Currently only the “don’t help” path is available – ran out of time and will finish next update.) In order to begin the NTR path for this event, Frank must have helped Polly at least once during Yoga class at 17:00.
Added: Option to instantly skip Sundays after the morning event if no other event is scheduled, or continue in free roam.


Fixed: Broken images during skatepark event while NTR is disabled.
Fixed: Third Regan/Jones video (when viewed from Doc’s camera) now plays more than once.

Changed: New UI when selling photos or videos to Justin.
Changed: Several photos/videos can now be sold to Justin that weren’t previously available.

Added: Alicia introduces her pet (2 different scenarios sub/dom, depending on previous choices).
Added: Global Stats screen, accessible from the stats menu on the phone (Many of the statistics will be inaccurate for existing saves – This data will later be used for in-game achievements and is still being added to).
Added: Meet Tania at the Arcade.
Added: Repeatable event, challenge Tania to a game of DanceStar at the Arcade, once per day. 3 possible scenes depending on current stamina.
Added: Virginity tracker for Tania.
Added: After Abrahms arrives in town, Tania can now be found in the Nightclub from 21:00 to 23:00 (event requires you’ve already met her, also have beaten her at DanceStar at least once for further advancement).
Added: Second and third phase of Tania’s Nightclub event (Requires 4 attraction points).
Added: 2 new photo collectibles.
Added: New dream events (NTR on).
Added: Tania NTR events at the Nightclub (After speaking with her, leave without hanging out – 3 events – recommend keeping a save file before reaching the third event).


Fixed: Handjobs from Lucy at the gym are now correctly tallied up in her bio stats.
Fixed: With NTR on, if Amber never had sex with her stream guest, Bethany’s virginity event will no longer freeze up while NTR is enabled.
Fixed: When you spend Sunday morning alone in your room, reset scripts now fire as intended, resetting uni class attendance/grade changes etc.
Fixed: When discovering Adel’s videos on the Doc’s camera, you must now wait at least 1 day before the next one will become available (providing all other requirements have also been met), as intended.
Fixed: Holding down the skip button while watching photos or videos on your phone no longer causes the UI to break.
Fixed: Compass is now hidden if looking at photos/videos on your phone while outside.

Added: New content to Yoga event (requires Lucy Max attraction 9).
Added: More new content to Yoga event (requires Lucy Max attraction 14).
Added: Frank gives Polly a hand with her Yoga lesson (NTR on).
Added: Abrahms discovers where you work (main story).
Added: Leia gets hired at the Bookshop (main story).
Added: Leia work events added to dreams.
Added: If your housemates become pregnant, there is now a chance to find them experiencing morning sickness in the bathroom.
Added: Can now sell Joints to the skaters at 15:00 (stay and drink beer with them – requires joints in inventory).
Added: After hearing of the Doctor’s sexual prowess from Greg, Regan books an appointment of her own (Requires Greg seen Adel in the Doctor’s office and Completed Regan’s shower event at the Gym – Skatepark, 15:00 – NTR on).

  • NOTE: Because of the hard requirement to be quite far into Adel’s corruption path in order to unlock the Regan/Doctor event, there is also another hidden optional way to unlock it while keeping Adel pure.

Added: Three new video collectibles (NTR on).


Fixed: Bug with Gemma parents event, where if NTR was disabled and Ray was drunk, you did not have the option to find Melina in the bathroom.
Fixed: Several typos.
Fixed: Bethany now correctly appears at the bakery on the town map instead of the university.
Fixed: Lighting issues in final Gemma/Jake animation fo Gemma parents event.

Changed: To give Ray a drink during his visit, you must now have a bottle of whisky in your inventory.
Changed: Gemma’s diary updated.
Changed: Pregnancies now only have a 1 in 3 chance of taking after the contraceptive grace period is up. This is to allow for some actual risk as opposed to simply having unprotected sex, not buying pills then guaranteeing a pregnancy. Now you (or anyone else) will have to work for it (for obvious reasons, does not affect any current pregnancies, however a global pregnancy reset is available in the settings menu while cheat mode enabled if required).
Changed: Gemma now requires at least 5 corruption points to allow Frank to spar with her in the Boxing Hall (NTR on).
Changed: Sunday mornings will now always be used for an event. If nothing is scheduled, time will advance to mid-day.
Changed: Gemma will now only show up in the corridor at Uni to begin her parents visit event between 14:00 and 17:00. This is to prevent her appearing while in free roam and you potentially missing out on the day’s classes.
Changed: When Rhea is at the library, you can now speak with her directly from the front desk, instead of navigating all the way to the back of the library to find her (optional).
Changed: Objective prompt to hang out with Stacey at the beach will now remain until you’ve had sex with her at the Secluded Cove.
Changed: Updated Gemma’s in-game npc guide to include latest progression.
Changed: When visiting Claire at home in her living room, can now open dialogue with her from the kitchen instead of navigating to livingroom first (optional).
Changed: When using the button to take all classes (top right of UI) at 09:00, the option to walk to Uni with one of the girls will only be shown if you are at your house.

Added: New inventory item – Bottle of Whisky. Can be purchased from the Petrol Station.
Added: After having anal sex with Adel at least once, you can now have anal sex with her in the bathroom after finding her there on the toilet.
Added: More content for Gemma and Frank in the Boxing hall (NTR on) – Requires Gemma had sex with Frank at least once and all previous boxing events played out.
Added: Frank/Gemma boxing event to Dreams (NTR on).
Added: Lucas/Melina event to Dreams (NTR on).
Added: Ray/Melina event to Dreams (NTR on).
Added: Bruce/Marcy event to Dreams (NTR on).
Added: Frank/Gemma sauna event to Dreams (NTR on).
Added: Frank/Marie massage event to Dreams (NTR on).
Added: Adel/Nigel rent day event added to Dreams (NTR on).
Added: Melina bio to phone.
Added: Ray bio to phone.
Added: New character ‘Leia Littleton’ to phone.
Added: Beth’s birthday present event.
Added: Beth’s birthday to Dreams
Added: Walk to Uni with Gemma event (Requires Gemma’s parents event complete.)
Added: Maxine can now be found in the girl’s changing rooms at Uni at 08:00.



– Extract to the desired location.
– Click on “Game.exe” to start playing.

Game Info:

Tags: 3DCG, Sandbox

Release date: 2024-12-03

Developer/Publisher: Lumphorn Games

Game Engine: Ren’Py

Censorship: Uncensored

Version: [Ongoing]

Platform: Windows, Android (APK), MAC, Linux

Language: English


3DCG, Anal Sex, Animated, Blackmail, Cheating, Corruption, Creampie, Drugs, Exhibitionism, Footjob, Groping, Group Sex, Handjob, Harem, Lesbian, Male Protagonist, Masturbation, Milf, Multiple Penetration, NTR, Oral Sex, Pregnancy, Prostitution, Force (Avoidable), Sandbox (Avoidable), School Setting, Sexual Harassment, Sleeping, Teasing, Titfuck, Twins, Vaginal Sex, Virgin, Voyeurism.

Horton Bay Stories – Jake Walkthrough


Horton Bay Stories Jake XXX Porn Game Download

Horton Bay Stories – Jake Game Download

Windows / Linux


Size: 12 GB



Size: 2.25 GB


Android (APK)


Size: 1.80 GB (v0.4.8.2)


*If it gives you a .zip, just rename it as .apk

* User mod compatible: on your phone, copy mod’s .rpy or .rpyc file(s) into /Documents/Renpy_Saves/com.estrada777.gamename/game/

* Dual save locations (Standard + Documents/RenPy_Saves) that will not be deleted when uninstalling
!Grant storage permissions on the first run!



Size: 12 GB



Size: 2.25 GB


Update Only


Size: 2.83 GB (v0.4.x.x -> v0.4.9.3)



Game Credits

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