**make sure no one fighting in ur save. you must reset map after upgraded**
**hurted my back since 2023 dec, and get serious during moving, and it effected to my work. i need some break and slow down abit for a while.**
-*core, all battle system state add/remove from array to hash. (this may create new bugs)
-*added, immune_tgt_states,immune_tgt_state_type arrays tag for npc and player, this will block state effect from battle system.
-*fixed, TrueDeepone lona now will immune all Basic STD.
-*fixed, most abomination now immune all their parasite.
-*fixed, u can pick up most enemy NPC baby if its stunned, unless its blocked by map design.
-*fixed, all baby meat source nerfed from 21 to 4. player babys got 10~6
-*buggy, remove cocona dress RNG on UniqueEvent_CoconaVag.(RECroom usage still remain RNG)
-*buggy, storage menu with shift+mouse left click should clicked item only.
** all sex record renamed, mean ur lona will back to virgin after this release**
-*added, rebirth UI now with options to choose to keep level,bank,sex record.
-*fixed, bank and storage like DarkPot now sort items like Lona’s inventory and always sort Coins to top.
-*fixed, most story_stats sex record keys renamed.(will lost most ur sex record.)
-*fixed, cecily will aggro lona if she doing anything bad to grayrat.
-*buggy, PubicHairVag art key using melanin key?!
-*buggy, pose4_preg8m_equip_SlaveMid with wrong keys.
-*buggy, mouse click on equip_menu,ItemList, should not able to click index > 11.
-*buggy, rebuild Quick slot equip functions.(u wont feel any different, but less lines in code.)
-*buggy, AoeChannelSpdBuff now with no_interrupt tag.
-*buggy, Lona’s BasicFuckerGrab now ignore targets without fucker slot.
-*buggy, UnqueCecily’s sensor from “Eyes” to “Eyes_follower_cecily”.(unable to target OBJs b4 this fix)
-*added, StomachSeedBed, ParasitedHookWorm, ParasitedPolypWorm, AbomPolypWorm,AbomCreatureMeatHookworm(data only)
-*added, CompNinjaKiller. temporary placed in NFL_BridgeBunker.
-*added, npcData json now with a new tag to add default state, and apply to following npcs.
Humie Hobos => chance with HSV,HPV.
Orkinds => high chance with Wart.
Aboms => 100% chance with parasite.
-*added, spread_when_sex json tag. when common sex, states with tag can spread between characters by chance. this also effect to npc sex.
battle sex => spread reciver to fucker at end of begin stage, fucker to reciver at end final stage
common sex => spread reciver to fucker every stage. fucker to reciver at every stage with 50% chance.
-*fixed, apply spread_when_sex json tag to HSV,HPV,FeelsSick,AnalSeedBed,VagSeedBed and all parasite states.
-*buggy, EffectWet missing “sexy” attribute_name.(0905)
-*buggy, NPCs missing death animation(09010), and remove weird loop on animation_overkill_melee_reciver since early beta.
-*buggy, in storage menu, now wont trigger switch between bag and box if u pressed same direction.
-*fixed, NPC health and sta debuff&buff from state now works.(test,core, yes. its not since alpha)
-*fixed, remove all abom parasite infest effect from prostitute events and remake it based on spread_when_sex system by add parasite states to those NPC.
-*fixed, show_npc_info function now display their sexy and weak and states.
-*added, BasicNeed skill now with “show_npc_info” function to check NPC’s basic stats. cost 1 STA if success.
LonaRPG.Beta. (Unofficial log entry)
-*fixed, Lactation state incorrect casing in checkOev_Preg
-*fixed, graphics json now with new verb “isMOD_patch”: true,”, so u dont need ../../../ bullshit anymore.(check demo mods for refence)
*******files&folder renamed, please backup ini and saves and reinstall***********
-*fixed, item.Json now with item_usage_manage_state. can add or remove state from json.(check sample.txt if ur modder)
-*fixed, MOST item state add and remove now moved to json.(so it support my own fliter)
-*fixed, CHCG5 now support bald.
-*fixed, upgrade player_control_mode, make charm skill possible in future(make sure ur save isnt in warboss rapeloop or it crash)
-*fixed, titleOtion mouse control now support prev and next option.(when click < or >)
-*fixed, json now with player_item_remove_equip, and apply to Elise’s AidEquip.
-*fixed, cocona now with a option to switch dress to necromancer after defeat boss mama.(but she suffer from low mority)
-*buggy, events with color palette changes now with a extra update on portrait and chs.(no more delay when change color?)
-*buggy, fix a bug cause portrait z > message window Z when open menu
-*buggy, ParasitedPotWorm and ParasitedMoonWorm only check 1 time per nap.(0850)
-*buggy, elise’s AidSemenAddiction didnt cure the state.
-*buggy, WarBoss rapeloop sprite missing.(by 0873 commondick addon on pose5)
-*buggy, when sex, CHS character Z priority_type now always same as standard character(1)
-*buggy, PiercingAnalG missing its effect and cause error.(0870)
-*buggy, NFL_MerCamp. should not able to trigger saving priv doggo quest line b4 orkind invade.
-*buggy, if warboss killed by pillers he become invincible.(cause by combo)
-*buggy, common_SexServiceIngratiateHit && player.unset_chs_sex now remove&check fucker info.(test, may fix most ghost dick if works)
-*buggy, sex grab skill sensor now ignore OBJ type NPC.
-*added, portraits OrcPriest,OrcSlaveMaster,HumSnowflake(awoo).
-*added, ChainMidExtra, selling in NoerBlackSmithShop. apply when captured by humanoid or sold as slave.
-*added, map NFL_BridgeBunker(dev)
-*added, rebirth control panel. u can reroll ur state by cost EXP.
-*added, shift+f10 in console window now ResetRGSS.
-*added, supportMe opt in title menu because game gonna leave mainstream of internet.
-*Buggy, nil for [] crash if u bring OrkindSlayer into Warboss Room.
-*Buggy, event_SaintMonastery file missing.
-*Buggy, sometime boss mama become unkillable after her liner chage skill.
-*Buggy, chcg3_head_PiercingEar2_low.PNG file missing
-*Buggy, rape_loop_drop_item and its nude check cause a crash.
*** reset map is needed ***
-*Buggy, when NPC fadeOut teleport to orignal XY. they should not become Immune_damage.(0880)
-*fixed, add WildSwordmanLeader, GreenWarriorLeader portrait for NorthFL quests.
-*fixed, AnimalRattus now a hp1 OBJ npc.
-*fixed, console command record now use global varible. and will remove same command if same command exist.
-*fixed, expend MissileFireBall hitbox to 2 tile(less miss on moving target.)
-*fixed, move_return_XY now use pathfinding
-*fixed, all dogs now with anal sex pose slot.(beacuse some weird reason)
-*Buggy, now all NPC’s pathfinding will stop if all_way_block? is true(less lag when NPC cannot move)
-*fixed, bald head supported chcg4.
-*fixed, any skill keys now can trigger pass dialog.
-*added, NFL_MerCamp with another chain quest.
-*added, add equip_part_covered verb to item_config and remove most old state block setup by equip, state effect block by equip now more reasonable.
-*fixed, Lona nude check from with any Mid dress to equip_part_covered check, must with “Chest” and “Groin” or “Vag” or it count as nude.
-*fixed, mood decrease max by nude from -100 to 0.
-*fixed, Lona default move speed to 4.3, and each mid,bot,midext dress part now -0.1 moveSpeed.(nude move speed bouns)
-*fixed, Exhibitionist now increase 0.03 move speed for each private part without block by equip.
-*fixed, BasicNunHeal SPD buff CON req from 21,41,61,81 to 0,10,35,50.
-*buggy, urinary_level & defecate_level should not limit to 1 after rebirth.(by 0861)