Zara’s School Life [v0.85] [NeoSpectre]


Zara’s School Life Latest Version: Ongoing Adult xxx Porn Game Download For Windows, Android (APK), MAC, Linux with Walkthrough. Download And Play Free 18+ Adult Games Only On 18AdultGames.

About “Zara’s School Life” Game

Zara's School Life [NeoSpectre] Adult xxx Game Download

You follow and control Zara Williams as she takes on a challenge to become the Prom Queen in the Graduation Day Promenade no matter what the cost. Can you help her become somebody after spending all her life as a nobody? Take her on a journey in school and with her family and even random strangers in the city as you build Zara towards a slut who will do anything and everything to achieve her goals. She is a woman of focus, commitment, and sheer will.​


Sex Passages Currently In the Game: 238
Approx. number of sex scenes: 360 (counting variations in the same sex passages)

-Fixed a few grammatical errors found in old passages, please report them to me if you find any. It always helps a lot
-Fixed hanging out with Lisa through phone never being available
-Writing for brother and father are now modified, giving them slightly or majorly different scenes to make them feel like two different characters in line with their personality
-Modified and added 1 straight scene to “SleepSexClothed Straight dad” (new!)
-Modified and added 1 straight scene to “SleepSexClothed Straight bro” (new!)
-Modified and added 2 straight scenes to “SleepSexTopless Straight dad” (new!)
-Modified and added 2 straight scenes to “SleepSexTopless Straight bro” (new!)
-Modified and added 2 straight scenes to “SleepSexNude Straight dad” (new!)
-Modified and added 2 straight scenes to “SleepSexNude Straight bro” (new!)
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to “SleepSexNude Lesbian”
-Modified “single straight” event while watching TV
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to “single lesbian” while watching TV
-Modified and added 1 FFM scene to “ffm” while watching TV
-Modified and added 3 lesbian scenes to “Seduce Mom” while spending time with mother in the parent’s bedroom
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to “shower event3” when taking a shower at home
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to “shower mom join” when taking a shower at home
-Modified and added 3 lesbian scenes to “restHang mom” when hanging out with mom through the phone
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to “parkHang mom” when hanging out with mom through the phone
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to “mallHang mom” when hanging out with mom through the phone
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to “park event4” when jogging in the park
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to “gym event7” when working out at the gym


-Fixed a few grammatical errors found in old passages, please report them to me if you find
-Fixed P.E. slacking off taking more energy than it’s meant to
-Added 1 straight BBC to PE slacking off events in “pe event4” (new!)
-Added 2 straight BBC to PE slacking off events in “pe event5” (new!)
-Added 1 small straight sexual assault event to walking events in the day in “day walk
event4” (new!)
-Added 1 bullying event to Jecinda walking events by Jessica in “jessica bully jecinda walk
event1” (new!)


-Fixed a few grammatical errors found in old passages
-Modified art studying events, new content
-Fixed male dialog colour being ending wrong in hanging out with Kyle at the restaurant passage
-Fixed flashing image being broken while hanging out with Ben in the library in “ben event1” and “ben event2”
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in restaurant hang with brother
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in park hang with brother
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in mall hang with brother
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in restaurant hang with father
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in park hang with father
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in mall hang with father
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in restaurant hang with mother
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in park hang with mother
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in mall hang with mother
-Added 3 straight scenes while hanging out with Ben at the restaurant in “restHang ben” passage (new!)
-Added 3 straight scenes while hanging out with Ben at the park in “parkHang ben” passage (new!)
-Added 2 straight scenes while hanging out with Ben at the mall in “mallHang ben” passage (new!)
-Added a new NPC: Jessica Chambers
-Added intro event for Jessica Chambers
-Added 2 lesbian bullying scenes in the school hallway (new!)
-Added 1 bullying scene in normal class (new!)
-Added 2 lesbian bullying scenes in P.E. class (new!)
-Added a small straight event only on the 2nd day of school for new players
-Added a small straight event only on the 3rd day of school for new players


-Fixed a few grammatical errors found in old passages, please report them to me if you find
any I missed
-Added 1 self scene in class while slacking off in social event 5 (new!)
-Added 1 straight scene in class while slacking off in social event 6 (new!)
-Added 1 lesbian scene in class while slacking off in social event 6
-Fixed flashing image not showing in Dick’s event 3
-Added 2 FFM cuckquean scenes (cuck or be cucked) to hanging out with Dick in the park
events on the bench in Dick event 4 (new!)
-Added 2 FFM cuckquean scenes (cuck or be cucked) to hanging out with Dick in the park
events at Lisa’s home in Dick event 5 (new!)
Note: The 4 scenes above only occur if Zara accepted Lisa’s proposal in Dick’s Quest 2
-Added 2 more images to fucking scenes for detention room events


-Fixed a bunch of grammatical errors found, please report them on my Discord, helps a lot!
-Fixed “brother” being used in Seducing Dad event
-Fixed changing back into street clothes image missing in the gym locker room
-Fixed peeking into the men’s locker room having an error
-Fixed if-else errors in the classroom event 3
-Fixed if-else errors in detention room event 1
-Fixed if-else errors in library event 1
-Fixed if-else errors in girls wc events 2, 3
-Fixed if-else errors in gym events 8, 10
-Fixed if-else errors in clothing discount event
-Fixed if-else errors in public washroom changing events 1, 4
-Fixed Dick event 3 in the park having an alternate paragraph present
-Modified hanging out in restaurant events with Brother to add 2 straight scenes
-Modified hanging out in restaurant events with Father to add 2 straight scenes
-Modified hanging out in restaurant events with Mother to add 2 lesbian scenes
-Modified hanging out in park events with Brother to add 2 straight scenes
-Modified hanging out in park events with Father to add 1 straight scene
-Modified hanging out in park events with Mother to add 1 lesbian scene
-Modified hanging out in mall events with Brother to add 1 straight scene
-Modified hanging out in mall events with Father to add 1 straight scene

Modifications on old sex passages are being done, to make Zara’s corruption more believable (this takes a lot of time)
This changes her thoughts and way she does things in the passages
For example, while giving a sneaky handjob to a student in socializing event 1 in classroom, which takes min 15 corruption to initiate:
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>
She leans over and spits on it, lubing it up properly. She still can’t believe how comfortable she has gotten giving handies in classrooms to random boys. She starts to stroke the cock gently.
<<else>>Zara could feel her heart beat quickly. Was she really doing this, in a classroom where anybody could catch them?
She spit on her hand and grabbed the boy’s cock gently.<</if>>
-Modifications in all Dick hanging out through phone events done
-Modifications in all Dick hanging out events in the park done
-Modifications in all home events done
-Modifications in all hanging out with family members through phone events done


-Fixed grammatical errors found (please report them on Discord if you find any, always helps out)
-Changing back into your previous outfit in the gym/park now has a little passage
-Fixed UI formatting found in old passages
-Fixed replace command being in the wrong position in the travel walk events
-Buffed stats gained when studying hard in school
-Chances of chore events occurring increased by 5%
-Fixed chore events starting even when a family member’s mind is not unlocked
-Changed the chance of NPCs viewing risque photo on the phone from 50% to 80%
-Changed the chance of NPCs accepting a hangout on the phone from 35% to 50%
-Changed stealing minigame minimum attempts to 3 instead of 1 (at lowest stat)
-Computer stat now affects timer of the stealing minigame
-Computer stat now affects how long the numbers stay coloured in the stealing minigame
-Reduced energy requirements to perform stat increasing actions on the laptop
-Modified energy drained when doing nothing in detention to -10 Energy only
-Modified the clothing shop masturbation event by a bit
-Modified detention event 1 to add 1 straight scene with the teacher
-Added 3 straight scenes with the P.E. coach in detention event 7 (new!)
-Added 2 lesbian scenes with a student and teacher in detention event 8 (new!)
-Added 4 straight scenes with a student in detention event 9 (new!)
-Added 2 straight scenes with a teacher in detention event 10 (new!)
-Changed the “Read an adult e-book” option on the laptop to “Watch Porn”
-Added 4 self scenes in Watch Porn event (new!)

Modifications on old sex passages are being done, to make Zara’s corruption more believable (this takes a lot of time)
This changes her thoughts and way she does things in the passages
For example, while giving a sneaky handjob to a student in socializing event 1 in classroom, which takes min 15 corruption to initiate:
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>
She leans over and spits on it, lubing it up properly. She still can’t believe how comfortable she has gotten giving handies in classrooms
to random boys. She starts to stroke the cock gently.
<<else>>Zara could feel her heart beat quickly. Was she really doing this, in a classroom where anybody could catch them?
She spit on her hand and grabbed the boy’s cock gently.<</if>>
-Modifications in all school events done
-Modifications in all mall events done
-Modifications in all gym events done
-Modification in all Jecinda walking events done
-Modification in all district traveling events done
-Modification in all park events done
+Home events, Hanging Out Events and Dick Turpin events will be done in the next update

-Modified the flashing gif in class socializing event 2
-Zara can no longer attend classes when her energy is low
-Zara can now study hard in class
-Zara now slacks off in class rather than socializing (same thing really)
-Removed the washing face option in the school washrooms as it did nothing as such
-Fixed a grammatical error found in girls WC event 2 while using the toilet
-Fixed grammatical errors found in boys WC event 1,2 while using the toilet
-Added 1 straight scene to boys WC while using the toilet
-Added 2 straight interracial scenes to the boys WC while using the toilet
-Added 1 straight interracial scene to the girls WC while using the toilet
-Added 1 lesbian scene to the detention room
-Modified class socializing event 1 to include a cumshot
-Added 2 straight scenes while socializing in class
-Added 1 straight interracial scene to the dreams while sleeping

-Fixed the strap-on scene error while spending time with mom
-Increased max money range when successfully stealing from cash register
-Reduced price of the drawing tablet
-Increased price of the dildo by a bit
-Reduced price of the slutty outfit
-Fixed wrong energy amount being used in a park bench event
-Basic gym attire removed, now it’s the P.E attire which is available from the start of the game
-Reduced the price for the gym attire
-Added 3 straight interracial scenes while sitting on park benches
-Added 2 straight interracial scenes while jogging in the park
-Fixed text errors in a night walking event
-Added 2 straight interracial scenes while walking in Jecinda District at night
-Dick events occur more now
-Added 1 straight scene with Dick while sitting on the park bench with him


-Removed the on-hover effect of the two symbols appearing on the link as it causes a lot of breaking of certain pages
-Fixed settings not having buttons in the same style as the rest of the UI
-Listening to feedback, made Dick’s introduction no longer based on chance, reducing the bottleneck on family content
-Reduced the relationship points required to start Dick’s quest 2
-Rebalanced corruption requirements to accept Dick’s quests
-Sleeping events occur more
-Fixed brother having sex with Zara while she slept nude event not starting
-Modified all the corruption requirements related to family content in home and hanging out (scaled to quest requirements)
-Modified all energy requirements related to family content in home
-Modified all corruption requirements when hanging out with Dick through phone and in the park
-Fixed a UI formatting issue in Jecinda District page
-Modified all corruption and energy requirements in the Park
-Modified all corruption and energy requirements in the Jecinda District walk events
-Modified all corruption and energy requirements in district travel events
-Modified the corruption requirements in the bus and restaurant while trying to distract the driver/guard
-Fixed a text error in a gym locker event with the couple
-Modified all corruption and energy requirements in the gym
-Modified all corruption and energy requirements in the mall
-Fixed no school reputation boost being granted on wearing the slutty school uniform in some passages
-Modified all corruption and energy requirements in the school
-Added 1 lesbian scene in the allowance with mom when asking for more money
-Added 1 lesbian scene while spending time with mom
-Added 3 lesbian scenes with mom while watching TV


-Father is now available on the weekends at home
-Fixed some grammatical errors found (please report if you find any, i can miss some)
-Fixed a few energy errors when spending time with mom or dad separately
-Fixed energy check missing when spending time with parents together
-Fixed a few energy errors when spending time with brother
-Fixed a small scheduling error where family members could be asleep but also be in the shower
-Fixed Dick’s quest information in the Phone screen
-Fixed formatting issues in Dick’s quest replays for Patrons
-Rebalanced energy gains from having a meal or snacks in the kitchen
-Fixed a formatting issue in a library event
-Fixed energy being cut in library events before a scene can happen which causes player to not be able to meet the energy requirements
-Fixed a formatting issue in a shower event
-Fixed a formatting issue in a park event
-Added a new shop, Cox and Co. (Dildo and strap-on available for purchase here)
-Added 1 straight scene while buying from Cox and Co. as a discount
-Made it so that family members need to have their minds unlocked first before having scenes with them. Spend time with them in their rooms
-Added 1 new quest, “Family Matters” to Dick’s storyline as quest 2, shifted the previous quests forward by 1
-Added 1 new quest, “Brother’s BJ Woes” to Brother’s storyline
-Added 1 new quest, “Twins Gone Wild” to Brother’s storyline
-Added 1 new quest, “A Brother’s Adventure Into Zara’s Backdoor” to Brother’s storyline
-Added 1 new quest, “A Dad’s Odd Request” to Father’s storyline
-Added 1 new quest, “Father Daughter Quality Time” to Father’s storyline
-Added 1 new quest, “A Father’s Adventure Into Zara’s Backdoor” to Father’s storyline
-Added 1 new quest, “Finger Attachment” to Mother’s storyline
-Added 1 new quest, “Mother Daughter Quality Time” to Mother’s storyline
-Added 1 new quest, “Mother Daughter Strap-On Adventure” to Mother’s storyline

External Updates:
-Changed the way I note down my versions
-Ported the game to mobiles officially
-Downloadable Android version available, thanks to Eonor
-Updated the website to include both Desktop and Mobile version
-Created new website for Patrons only, with the same functionality



– Extract to the desired location.
– Click on “Game” to start playing.

Game Info:

Tags: Real Porn, Browser Game

Release date: 2025-02-23

Developer/Publisher: NeoSpectre

Game Engine: HTML

Censorship: Uncensored

Version: 0.85 [Ongoing]

Platform: Windows, Android (APK), MAC, Linux

Language: English


Browser, Corruption, Creampie, DILF, Female Domination, Female Protagonist, Groping, Group Sex, Handjob, Humiliation, Incest, Interracial, Lesbian, Male Domination, Masturbation, MILF, Mobile Game, Multiple Penetration, Oral Sex, Force, Real Porn, Sandbox, School Setting, Sex Toys, Sexual Harassment, Simulator, Sleeping, Spanking, Stripping, Teasing, Text Based, Twins, Vaginal Sex, Voyeurism.

Zara’s School Life Walkthrough


Not available.


HD Media


Zara’s School Life Game Download

Online Version [v0.85]Official Website

PSA: Save games to disk as a backup to ensure save data won’t be lost!
Credit to Eonor for providing downloadable APKs

Windows / MAC / Linux


Size: 333 MB


Android (APK)


Size: 337 MB


Game Credits

NeoSpectre Patreon – Discord

Enjoy and play Adult xxx Sex Games. Also, Join my Telegram channel to get updated with new games and new versions.

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