Koikatu! Latest Version: Repack RX21 Adult xxx Porn Game Download For Windows with Walkthrough. Download And Play Free 18+ Adult Sex Games Only On 18AdultGames.
Koikatu! (Koikatsu!) is 2D Cellshaded character creator eroge by Illusion. You play as a lonely boy who just got transferred to an all-girls-only school with the purpose of.. getting them accustomed to the other male classmates. Roam around the map, peep on girls if you have the opportunity, talk to them to gain their favour, and trigger “events” that will unfold their stories. There are “named” heroines with a preset backstory and player-created characters with plenty (30) of personality types to choose from.
Links for Koikatsu Party pre-patched with Illusion restore patch. This is the Steam version without any premium DLCs or mods. These are compressed in 7z with two parts.
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Disclaimer: 18adultgames.com is a website where you can download and play 18+ Lewd & Porn Games like “Koikatu!” for free. For it, You have to choose your platforms like Windows, Mac, or Android and download that game via provided links (Such as Mega, Workupload, Zippy, etc.). If you are a visitor and want to download this game on our website but you are worried about any malware, let you know that we don’t inject any malware into these games. These games are created by various developers and links to these games can be developer-side or unofficial (by fan-made). But if you are a Developer or Publisher and you want to remove this game from our platform then let us know on the Contact Us page. But if you are an adult game lover, then comment to us in the comment box about your gaming experience or any problem related to downloading this game or new update. Have fun!
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