Clean Slate Latest Version: Ongoing Adult xxx Porn Game Download For Windows with Walkthrough. Download And Play Free 18+ Adult Games Only On 18AdultGames.
ToggleAbout “Clean Slate” Game
You are given a chance to start your life over with a clean slate — but even your gender is up for grabs and if you don’t play your cards right you might end up with a future you never imagined possible. This is a sandbox game and while there will (eventually) be a main storyline for the most part you’re just supposed to explore the environment without guided direction.
- Bug Fixes
- New Job at Dwights Gym
- They are hiring a masseuse. Need I say more?
- only F-massaging-M media for now. Will add more gender combos
- Talk to the receptionist about the open position
- New Home in Residential District
- Go there during the listed open house and talk to real estate agent about purchasing the home
- Comes with some changeable interior decoration
- Mortgage payment functions like rent – but as of this update there’s no consequence for missing a payment
- Kingston Falls update
- mostly tweaks and bug fixes for the current 2 days of content.
- Misc Updates
- Bug fixes
- Some new media sprinkled around in different scenes
- New Cam Request
- Trans and full femme MCs with the “Rubber Joints” trait can now do self-oral requests
- New Cam Event – Gold Collaboration show
- Mona is interested in becoming a cam girl. Trans and full Femme MCs who already do cam work can invite her over for a repeatable Gold Show
- There is some progression in content to earn more money, Just talk to Mona about doing gold shows once in a while to advance
- Will eventually be available for other NPCs, but for now it’s just Mona
- New Transformation variable – Tit Reduction
- the opposite of Tit Buff — when this variable hits 10 your breast size will shrink
- New Chest Fly Machine at the Gym
- each use zeros out your Tit Buff
- if your Tit Buff is less than 5 it *also* +1’s your Tit Reduction stat
- RNG chance of an event that has increasingly likely chance of an opposite effect
- Melissa Date Contest Update
- RNG chance that, during the contest, Melissa suggests you take “Cock Selfies” instead of normal selfies with your dates
- take a picture with your face near someone’s cock
- only available for fem MCs
- you can reject it, but will be kicked out of the contest that week
- subsequent contests will give you the option for regular or Cock Selfies
- Stripper Update
- Full-time strippers at the strip club can now go on “private shows” for bachelor parties and the like
- Mike will bring it up and then you can pick private shows from a listing in the stripper dressing room
- you can do more than dance, if your MC is that kind of girl
- Silver Slut Update – Story Arc Complete
- New ability – Power Grind
- when you face more than three opponents you can twerk and grind your ass against one of them to incapacitate him, leaving your hands free to fend off attacks
- Can now team up with Super Slut to stop AMI’s dastardly plans
- She should bring it up during a roof-top meeting
- New ability – Power Grind
- Misc Updates
- bug fixes
- some new media for sex scenes added
- New Cam request
- Viewers can now request you spread your ass on cam
- New Sex Position – 69
- Not just for lesbians! All gender combinations should be able to activate it
- engage in sex then “do something else”
- New Julia Event
- It’s Christmas related so only happens during the last half of December
- Missing some media for non full-fem MCs
- Amanda Update
- Some updates to Amanda’s bar date interactions
- You can now try to kiss her after a date, but it’s not guaranteed to go well
- Her Husband has been seeded (but not yet meet-able).
- use the “Add New NPC” to add him anyway
- New District
- Residential District added
- This is where Amanda and her husband live
- Find it from the University District
- Nothing to do there yet
- More Clothes
- Most of the shops have some additional inventory – panties, bra, shoes
- New Job – Safeway Clerk
- Just a boring soul-sucking job. No major story events or TF-related shenanigans
- The City being what it is, there are some RNG evens with customers
- Misc updates
- New media added for titty-f&@#
- Misc other media added in various minor spots (scene transisions, etc)
- There’s an ‘early game’ scene where your MC can give a NonCon blowjob; that same scene can now lead to a NonCon titty-f&@# scene.
- When on dates at the bar, NPCs will get gradually more drunk as the date progresses
- Wearing dressess should available slightly earlier in the game
- Tweaks to Inhib/Exhib buff and stats
- Added concept of ‘Platonic dates’
- When you and/or the NPC aren’t romantically/sexually attracted to each other the media will be “We’re hanging out as friends”
- when you and NPC *are* romantically/sexually attracted to each other the media should be more “We’re on a date”
- Platonic dates can shift into non-platonic dates (yay booze)
- MC Image overhaul
- I want to add more MC ethnicities, so I nuked the old MC image structure
- No longer have two styles two pick from
- New AI MC images created for both Masc and Fem Caucasian MCs
- will add additional ethnicities for next update (African, Arabic, Asian)
- New NPC
- For existing games use the “add new NPC” optionin the cellphone settings
- Meet Mona – a fun loving, *very* outgoing young woman
- she works at the Boutique in the Market
- the Boutique will be permanently available once you find it one time
- You can also see her around the city doing various….things.
- Mona can help you overcome those pesky and limiting inhibitions you might be dragging around
- Some Mona-specific events at bar and park dates
- Mona will also invite you on Beach dates
- Mona is hetero, so fem MCs are friend-zoned
- Mosyly clean up and bug fixes
- I’ll be busy for the next couple of weeks and won’t have time for game dev so I’m posting here what I have.
- New Julia Event
- Julia can now drag you to CrossPlay for some physical enhancements if you look too masc for her tastes
- Kingston Falls update
- Day 1 clean up
- Day 2 extended (can now get the kids to school)
- Misc Updates
- Bulk purchase added to appropriate items in store menus
- Some new TF (m2f and f2m) transformation clips added
- Some new media for m/f sex scenes added
- Can use the Moonstone ring during sales dinners to increase your chances of landing a sale
- In the Habits app you can chose to “get dressed for work” – any “work day” when you wake up before the start of your shift you will auto-dress in a Work Outfit from your saved Outfits list.
- New RNG Event
- Sit on a bench in any district and People Watch – there is an RNG chance that once-per-day some NPC will ‘catch your eye’
- You can look at the NPC to see what about them drew your attention – as with most things in the game; your choices may have TG related impacts
- New Store Location
- In the RedLight district Alleyway
- but it appears to be a “members only” store…
- New Skill added – Gamer Skill
- buy and play video games to raise your skill to get better at playing video games
- New Content Arc – Snatch Streamer
- Snatch is a game-streaming platform. Play games and get paid by your fans!
- uses a new Gamer skill to help draw an audience and get tips
- Female (appearing) Streamers may have a different experience than male (appearing) streamers.
- Silver Slut update: Frenemies with Super Slut
- There’s an RNG event during normal Silver Slut scenes where you can rescue Super Slut from a bad situation
- this unlocks a rooftop event during the night patrol where she will come to hang out and chat rather than fight
- build up friendship with her and eventually she’ll tell you AMI’s secret plans
- this is the setup for the final Silver Slut event
- Misc Updates
- Various Bug fixes in different sections of the game
- Preg MCs can now get stretch marks if they don’t use Belly Lotion at least once a week
- No real game impact, just some flavor text in body-description scenes.
- Suntan lotion added to mall Pharmacy. Usable at Nude Beach – no real impact; just allowes for some rubbing-on-lotion scenes.
- Super Power updates
- New Super Power “Reverso” added to XGene trials
- New Non-XGene super power “Twinning” added somewhere else
- You can now pay AMI a hefty sum to remove a super power
- but if you have more than one power you don’t get to pick which one is removed. It’s random.
- New Location – Nude Beach
- Walk along the regular Beach and you should find a trail leading behind a bluff.
- lots of fun content added – but it’s hard to source media for some gender-combinations for some scenes. I’ll fill in the gaps as I find new media
- New Beach Event
- Walk along the regular beach and you can find a treasure chest that has washed ashore
- What could be in it?
- New Game Streaming platform – Snatch
- You can get tips from viewers to live stream games
- Pretty basic at the moment, but should be playable
- Will add additional viewer requests and some fun events for the next update
- Usual round of bug fixes
- New One-Time Random Encounter
- Don’t want to ruin the surprise, but will lead to some permanent TFs
- Vampire Quest update
- The Mansion repairs can now be completed and the quest line can now progress
- quite a bit of content loaded in here but can’t go into details without spoilers
- Vampire options are available for more NPCs (even ones who reject you at first sight)
- Can now be turned into full Vampire
- Sun light will damage and kill you
- super strength and speed work during the day
- can turn into a bat at night and flutter around the city
- obtain two new Vampiric Abilities
- The Mansion repairs can now be completed and the quest line can now progress
v1.0.2 Hotfix
- minor bug fixes in various spots
- remaining NPC images have been added for all races/body types/hair color/age range
- Fortune Teller Gift update
- the gender swap power she gives you can now be used on any non-story NPC:
- initial flirting conversations
- on a date
- chatting with your roommate at home
- the gender swap power she gives you can now be used on any non-story NPC:
- Generic Home Update
- added gender-typed bedrooms for NPCs
- the bedroom images moved so if you currently live in a generic apartment the NPC bedrooms won’t have images. Move to a new apartment to regenerate the bedroom images
- Boobie Bungalow update
- When you get a lapdance from a stripper you can pay her to keep it going instead of just a one-song dance
- do it enough times and get special VIP Room offer
- New Trait: Itty Bitty Committee
- Spoilers in forums
- Fortune Teller Relic update
- The Fortune Teller has a new relic she wants you to get, and an accompanying new quest location for her relics
- use the “Seed Relic” option in the cellphone on existing games to add the new relic to your game world
- Spoilers in forums
- Misc
- Some updates for Scott’s Mom and the Vampire mansion quest, but both are probably still a bit glitchy.
- the “Genie” story arc should be fully playable, but it still needs some dialog text in a few spots and maybe some media images.
- Mostly a flavor/mechanics update. No major story arc progression
- Filling Media Gaps – added some media for missing scenes for:
- trans cam whore
- m/m non-con scenes
- few others
- Tweaks to Vampire brothel construction work
- Added beginning scene for Wharf District “Genie” — but only the beginning scene.
- New Forplay action – Nipple Sucking
- at least one person in the scene needs to have AA tits, or greater, and have them exposed
- Mood Mechanic Update
- Now works more like the ‘Thirst Quencher’ Trait
- Things you experience during the day will +/- the current value of your mood
- smoking a cigarette will give you a + to your current mood value
- getting mugged will give you a – to your current mood value
- Having unsatisfied kinks or requirements will LOWER your max mood
- if you’re addicted and haven’t smoked in a while then your *max mood* value will decrease
- If you have a makeup requirement but aren’t wearing any then your max mood will decrease
- Masturbation mechanic overhaul
- Code base updated to match other sex scene loops
- whenever possible, POV media was used for masturbation scenes
- AI Re-Invasion
- I decided to give generating AI images a try for myself, and added a new category for NPC pics
- Black and Caucasian NPCs now have an Age category
- if the NPC is supposed to 25 the pic should look like someone in their early 20’s
- if the NPC is 40-something then you should get a Middle Aged NPC image
- Age Groups are “Young” (18-35), “Middle Age” (36-50), and “old” (>50)
- Will update Asian and Arabic NPC image sets for the next update
- Media Conversion is full finished!
- Total reduction in file size of over 1GB for a final v1.0.0 size of 1.70Gb.
- I decided to bump the game up to v1.0.0 due to the significance of the shifted media
- Some Minor Bug fixes
- Most of this update is for Silver Slut
- Reworked initial scenes
- the way the individual Clothing items work has changed
- you can no long add Silver clothing items to your planned outfit (with one exception)
- they have to be put on in the correct order
- ArchNemsis – Super Slut
- she tries to foil you from stoping crimes
- Meet her in the final room of the Secret Lab
- NOTE: this path does contain a “bad ending”
- Slut Patrol
- Silver Slut doesn’t have to wait for crime to find her, she can go search for it on Patrol.
- Reworked initial scenes
- New Trait – Night Breed
- New Kink – Pay to Play
- Minor bug fixes spread throughout the game
- Misc
- Some small tweaks for taking a bath
- More conversions
- Almost done, next update should include the final set of conversions
- total game size reduced to about 1.77GB ( but that includes close to 100MB in new media as well)
- NOTE: Pocket Worlds have not been updated yet, so they’ll probably have a lot of blank pics
- Vaping added
- Buy a dispoable Vape Pen with 20mL of juice from the kiosk
- Mostly* the same as smoking cigarettes
- *cuz it’s a fun knock on vapers — smoking cigarettes has small chance to + your male buff, while vaping has a slightly higher chance to + your fem buff
- Silver Slut Updates
- New RNG Villain encounter
- No real story progression, just a fun side-quest event.
- Some updates for the Secret Lab path of the AMI branch
- Minor bug fixes and Media conversions.
- _FULL game is now at 1.95GB including new media; that means ~800MB in size reduction since start of the conversion
- New Store in the mall
- 3rd floor of the mall now has a game store where you can buy new games for your laptop
- no real impact to gameplay, just another way to waste time
- Hint: Not all of the games available from the store are on the wall.
- might add trait/personality impacts later on
- New Paul event at University Apartment
- Once you’ve progress to the end of Paul’s content and he’s in control he’ll, at some point, have you start being the apartment maid and clean up the place once a week.
- Right now mostly just a reason for some sexy-maid media but each cleaning event you do will raise your Cleaning Skill
- Will add some RNG events and ‘client encounters’ later on
- In theory this event-loop could be eventually used for any general maid services — ie: a new job!
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Mostly media conversions – total game size has been reduced by 500MB! Overall game is now at 2.06GB
- Dream Catcher has new side-effect
- If you trigger a ‘natural’ overnight change the Dream Catcher will interrupt the scripted change and let you pick which body part to transform (brain, breasts, ass, etc)
- Primarily more media conversions. Update file is apporaching 200MBs so I’ll post it here. Total since v012.3 over 300Mbs reduced from game
- NOTE: must of the next few updates will be primarily media conversions. Once they’re all done I’ll post a single FULL so feel free to wait till then.
- Fix for missing images at clothing stores
- Silver Slut/AMI Path extended
- Entire arc is still not complete, but Rizzler scene should be working and now you can break into their secret hidden lab outside of town and snoop around.
- WARNING: breaking into the lab makes criminals harder to fight in general as it advances the story progression and they can counter your abilities.
- More Fan Interactions
- Crowd can call for you to show off and flex. You can flex various body parts for the crowd’s cheering approval
- RNG chance a fan wants to #@$@# your tits
- Mostly this update is to push out some Media conversions since file size is already 100+MBs
- Even with new media added in this update the overall game size is reduced by almost 200MB — that means an overall reduction of around 300MB just from the conversions! More to come in future updates
- Would recommend you clear your local folder and download the _FULL to benefit from the reduced file size, but the _UPDATE works just as well.
- AMI Lab Janitor update
- basic loop and RNG events added with media and text
- hook added for Silver Slut quest
- one of the lab RNG events gives you the chance to do some research on where AMI is getting material for their X-Gene trial
- Rest of update is for Silver Slut arc
- The Super Villain fights should trigger more reliably once you’re able to defeat them
- New Super Villain – The Rizzler
- He’s sent to stop you when your research into the X-Gene trials goes too far
- able to turn NPCs into sex-crazed nymphomanic Bimbos. Basically he’s a walking orgy!
- New Powers added – was a bit grindy when the # of criminals gets too high so I added some AOE attacks
- Summon a Silver Stripper Pole
- Let’s you do a spin attack to take out multiple baddies
- Use Hoopnosis
- Mind control your opponents to attack each other!
- Summon a Silver Stripper Pole
Game Info:
Tags: Real porn, Sandbox game
Release date: 2025-02-18
Developer/Publisher: Mugwump
Game Engine: QSP
Censorship: Uncensored
Version: 1.1.2 [Ongoing]
Platform: Windows
Language: English
Anal Sex, Blackmail, Corruption, Female Protagonist, Futa/trans Protagonist, Male protagonist, Gay, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Paranormal, Pregnancy, Prostitution, Real Porn, Sandbox, Sex Toys, Simulator, Sissification, Transformation, Vaginal Sex.
Clean Slate Walkthrough
Dev Note:
Due to the amount of new content, it is strongly advised that you start a new game. However, in the phone settings is a “Regenerate NPCs” option to generate the new NPCs. This should *NOT* impact any existing NPC that you’ve already interacted with, and should resolve most issues for the new content. **NO PROMISES FOR BROKEN GAMES ON OLD SAVES**
Explanation of image packs:
- Main Media File – v0.2.12 — this includes all media from the initial version to 0.2.12 If you feel you missed something earlier it should be in this pack.
- Images File – v0.2.13 — includes new images with the latest release
Clean Slate Game Download
– PC/Windows
Size: 2.12 GB
Update Only for v1.1.2
Size: 22 MB
Game Credits
Mugwump Wiki – TFgamesite
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