Corruption of Champions 2 Latest Version: Ongoing Adult xxx Porn Game Download For Windows, Android (APK) with Walkthrough. Download And Play Free 18+ Adult Games Only On 18AdultGames.
ToggleAbout “Corruption of Champions 2” Game
There are many, many worlds.
One, called Mareth, was perhaps the heart of them all. Cracks in the space between worlds, called portals, all seemed to lead there. Many portals led to Mareth, but none left it.
One sacrifice came from the village of Ingnam. This so-called ‘Champion’ was but a pawn in the village elders’ long plot to extend their lives, but the Champion escaped her fate by beating back the demons’ minions waiting on the other side of the portal, and set out on a one woman crusade to bring an end to the Demon menace once and for all. That was a year ago, and a world away.
You have never heard of a world called Mareth, nor a village named Ingnam. Nearly a year ago, you set off on your own, leaving your former life behind to seek your fortunes on the wild frontier – a year of traveling, exploring, fighting, and surviving alone. You’ve earned yourself a little coin in your travels, enough to book passage to the furthest reaches of the known world: the Frost Marches.
Prequel: Corruption of Champions
- Drifa has a substantial new expansion for after completing Knot Cave (by Jstar).
- You can get married to Drifa.
- Drifa can go into heat.
- You can get Drifa pregnant. Comes with unique first kids, and repeatable generics to follow.
- Corrupted Drifa can be made to hyperfetate — to have multiple pregnancies concurrently!
- Drifa’s got new talks about her pregnancy and children.
- Both Pure and Corrupted Drifa each have a new breeding-focused sex scene.
- Drifa can be a bedmate at the Wayfort.
- New Busts: Corrupt Drifa, Asynja (both by Moira)
- 2 New CGs for Drifa.
- Hana has a new set of dates at the Kitsune Den, accessible from her main menu after having gone hunting with her 3+ times.
- You can take Hana to visit her friend Rindo’s garden, which has some nice secluded spots to get dirty (or clean).
- You can take Hana to visit the shrine to get in some prayer — just remember, trickster gods tend to prank the selfish!
- If you’ve grown close with Hana, there’s a third special Den date that can lead to her proposing to you — now you can get engaged to the dick-vixen without having to talk about kids first.
- Corrupt Drifa has a new first-time approach scene. (By Jstar)
- Corrupt Drifa has a new doggystyle sex scene. (By Jstar)
- If Drifa is wearing the Collar of Submission, there’s a new sex scene outtro for it. (By Jstar)
- Drifa’s Appearance screen has been updated.
- There’s a new pawprint womb tattoo option at the Hawkethorne stylists once you finish Knot Cave.
- Merielle of the Wyld Elf Band encounter has a new Mating Press victory scene. (By Gardeford)
- The Undermountain Miners have a new bad end, if you submit to them 4+ times. (By Reathe)
- The scene for turning Kiyoko’s amulet over to Keros has been rewritten to be kinder to you, and now gives you the Control Rod. (By Tobs)
- Vivane now sells a new item, the Circlet of Clarity. It’s got great stats on it for spellcasters, if you don’t mind occasionally being turned into a bimbo.
- You can now [Wait] up to 12 hours at a time.
- Sun Dancer Cait’s weapon has been adjusted to sync better with her kit.
- Innumerable bug and typo corrections, courtesy of Teawolf, Spotty, and Zag.
- New Busts: Demon Ahmri
- New CG: Rindo/Hana giving the PC a blowjob.
- After having either let Drifa get carried off to the knot cave or having saved her in the Old Forest, you’ll be able to find the location of the the Corrupted Lupines’ base. Check your questlog for a new quest that’s been back-ported in if you’ve interacted with Drifa.
- This is a quite deep dungeon — over 300 pages of raw content, with a lot of different paths through the various bosses and NPC encounters therein. To avoid too much in the way of spoilers: there’s no less than 4 chunky bosses with suites of scenes and bad ends, some really rather interesting sub-quest design going on in there, plus fun ways you can end up changing certain characters throughout the dungeon! Big shoutout to JStar for writing all this, and to poor Drake for coding all of it. If you’re a fan of sweet and/or dubious dog girls, give his patreon a check.
- Please note, when I say 300 pages of content I just mean IN THE DUNGEON. The followup content for the dungeon (more Drifa, more corrupted lupines, written by a combination of Jstar, Tobs, and others) will be rolling out throughout early next year. At my last count there’s more pages of follow-on content than dungeon content already waiting in the wings, which is really saying something.
- New Busts for the Knot Gods: Meridyx (by Aby) and Olivia (by Varking)
- If you have Cait with you when you visit Hana, you can invite the sex-kitten along for a couple of hot and heavy new threeways!
- There’s a new harlot for hire in the Passion Pasture, a salamander-elf crossbreed gal packing some cute meat and lean muscle. (By Skow)
- Vitra’s bar in Khor’minos has a new Thief trainer who might be interested in teaching you some more intimate backstabbery. (By Skow)
- Elaril of the Wyld Elf Troupe has a new sex scene involving a sex swing! (By Knife-Wielding Crab)
- Clementine the Sheep Girl has a new mating press scene! (By Luma)
- Various fixes from Spotty and Teawolf! <3
- Twins basil, twins! Help the snowcats Liresh and Syrish with their return to relic hunting — just make friends with them at the leothran village and then come back around to the village, they could really use a hand. (By Skow!)
- After the quest, a pair of naughty winter elves from the adventure can be found in the Leothran village, and then again in your Wayfort (in an upcoming expansion) after that, for some repeatable fun — and quite a lot of breeding! (By Skow!)
- New Busts: I’ava and Sif, by Moira.
- There’s a new imp you can encounter in Hawkethorne! If you’ve given birth to a litter of Kasyrra’s imps, or if you’ve completed the Winter City and have 30 or more Corruption, there’s a chance you’ll get a night visitor from a particularly buxom lady imp when you sleep at the Frosthound Tavern. Invite her in enough times, and not only can you make her a bedmate, but you’ll unlock a whole suite of additional content! Perfect for anyone looking for a shortstack lady to dominate them. If you have a virile penis, she’ll eventually invite some ‘friends,’ too! Just be careful: spending a little too much time with her can have consequences… (Written by B!)
- In the northern reaches of the Windy Peaks, you can now encounter an elder among the harpy clan who’s eager to prove age is no barrier to ass-kicking or to breeding. Comes fully loaded with seven new sex scenes! (By MagentaNeedle)
- Down in the Outskirts of Khor’minos, you can now interact with Foreman Odoacer, chief of the city’s remaining miners, just near the entrance to Undermountain. This burly bull puts up a tough facade, but it might be he’s looking for partners that can make him bend over and whimper. (By Knife-Wielding Crab).
- There’s a new option to try and run from the Corrupted Lupines encounter in the forest, and not put up much effort in doing so if you choose…
- Tons of fixes courtesy of zag, spotty, and especially teawolf <3
- Alissa, fallen queen of Njorhaalt, can now be interacted with (and boned!) in the Wayfort Dungeon after she’s been captured during Etheryn’s questline! (Thanks to Fleep for writing her interactions!)
- In the dungeon, you can choose to have Alissa switch between her true demonic form and transforming into her old elven self. You can also choose whether she has a cock or not (and if she has a cock, whether she’s forced to wear Ryn’s old chastity cage).
- Hretha has a new Bodyworship scene at the Kervus Warcamp. Show her some gentle affection, even if it makes her grumble!
- Hretha and Infrith can now brew up a mighty fertility potion if one or both of them isn’t already pregnant. This will, predictably, probably end in one or both of them getting knocked up once you drink it. (By Gardeford)
- Infrith has a new solo titfuck scene! (By Gardeford)
- New Busts: Alissa’s got a whole bunch of new busts by Moira, and Kesuk and Marigold have new busts as well!
- Ylvid, the skald of the Kervus tribe, can now be encountered in the Kervus War Camp after completing (or missing) Livrea’s little quest in Hawkethorne. She’s got a couple simple talks, and a host of new sex scenes (plus repeats of those solo and Arona scenes from the quest). Thanks to Wsan and Skow for both contributing a scene to my big muscle-babe!
- River and Garth each have one new power to sell. (coded by Squishy)
- Farrah and Ivris each have one new weapon to sell. (coded by Squishy)
- There are some revamped Tease texts courtesy of Wsan.
- Text and bug fixes, courtesy of Spotty and Zag.
- Tui now has her first major quest! Venture into a dream of her past, battle a long dead nightmare, and then discover the impending consequences of her boundless ancestral power! This triggers 2 weeks after recruiting her or after you resolve Lumia’s quest, whichever comes first when you go to sleep in Hawkethorne. The poor girl’s having some nightmares, and they may be more than mundane… (By Gardeford)
- After resolving Atugia’s quest, three certain troublemakers you can encounter during it have some new scenes around the Wayfort if you choose to keep them around.
- Similarly after the quest, Atugia has a new date you can take her on!
- Tweaked Kaly and the Bear’s summons to be a bit better.
- New CG: Ashe reclining in her dream (by Akira)
- Once defeated in honorable one-on-one combat in the arena, Alante the centaur can be taken as your mare. She becomes a camp follower, complete with talks, sex, and travel blurbs. (By Wsan)
- Once they become camp followers, Alante and Kalysea can now temporarily be called to the player’s side by a pair of new summoning powers. Talk with each mare in camp to get her respective power.
- New Bust: Oma (by Moira)
- New CGs: Tarah Body Writing (by Akira) and Horse Orgy (by Sulcate)
- It is now possible, if you are either very brave or very desperate, to try and flirt with the Kitsune colony’s governor, Komari. God help you if you do, because she has been pent up for a very, very long time. This comes with a host of repeatable scenes, and unsurprisingly there’s an opportunity to bring Kiyoko along for the ride. (By Aury)
- There’s a new tile outside the Wayfort’s north gate to relieve some possible NPC congestion, because…
- Hatsu the Lumber Fox can now set up shop at the Wayfort (or rather, reveal she’s lived near there the whole time). This should make it a little easier to access her content!
- Hana’s been moved to have her cabin across the street from Hatsu’s.
- Once you have Hana living at the Wayfort, Hatsu stopping by to visit a friend can escalate into a saucy threesome. (By Skow)
- Orlaith & Doireann have a new blowjob scene together. The scene triggers if you agreed to blow Orlaith every time you approach her; on the 3rd time Doireann will be there and tease/make out with Orlaith while you blow her. One time only. (By Wsan)
- Kavi will reward you with some sex once you’ve rescued Tarah, and the scenes are repeatable. (By Garde)
- New Bust: Komari, now with nudes and alts (by Moira)
- THE COLOSSEUM IS HERE! Compete against and even with the fighters of the Khor’minos arena. Featuring multiple bosses — including two that have out-of-arena content (already written, yet to be implemented) — and a grand prize of thousands of electrum! Sign up by coming to the arena during valid hours (listed in-game at the arena’s entrance). Also features a number of scenes for Brint/Brienne in between fights.
- Fight through the gauntlet of teams all competing for the chance to win. Each team has three members and a unique setup which you’ll have to work to defeat (some are going to be more annoying than others, I’ll tell you now). Depending on the options you pick, you’ll be fighting different enemies, and each run through the arena has randomized opponents. One run might not be quite as lucky as the next, so keep trying.
- Face off with the bosses!
- CEDRIC, the larger-than-life minotaur champion. A crowd favorite, he draws eyes and puts asses in seats — and yours on the ground, if you don’t take him seriously enough. You’ve got to have heart to succeed in the arena, and he’s got it in spades. Do you?
- ALANTE, Khor’minos’ beloved centaur warrior and arena-maiden! Fight her alone to take her hand in marriage, or challenge her as a group! The choice is yours, though only the person brave enough to take her on solo gets her as a permanent follower. Don’t think that she’ll be easy if you fight her in a group — we did think of that. NOTE: You can fight her as a group and still come back and fight her alone the next time. Don’t stress, the horse-wife will be there for you later.
- THE BLACK KNIGHT, a competitor with a secret. Who is he? You’ll have to find out yourself if you can.
- AND MORE! There are some bosses that you will encounter under certain circumstances that I can’t spoil here, and I have no doubt you’ll become familiar with some of the so-called lesser NPCs too. Good luck, and good hunting.
Pre-Emptive Troubleshooting from Drake:
“Then depending on their settings Steam will start downloading the build or they can click Install/Update where the PLAY button would normally be in their library If that still doesn’t work (it should) then they can go to the LOCAL FILES tab and click “VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES” which will force an update.”
- You can now take Dragon!Evelyn to the Marefolk Village, for some diplomatic “talks” after you’ve spoken with Naiyana there (post CentaurQuest).
- Dragon!Eve has a new scene for you pitching anal to her in her Tribute menu (with a special variant for being under 4″ long).
- Grainne has a new fisting scene, for Champions over 7′ tall.
- Rindo has a new nursing scene once she’s pregnant or had her kid.
- Sariel has two new scenes: doggystyle anal, and sucking her tits while she fingers your butt.
- You can now invite Meira to get out from under her mother’s roof and live in your Wayfort as your court mage! You’ll need to have fully upgraded the fort (sans dungeon) to have her uproot herself from a comfy mansion, though!
- At the Wayfort, Meira will still perform her old services, but for free, and all of her old scenes have been reworked in addition to a half dozen new ones! This all comes out to something in the neighborhood of 400 pages of new and revised content for the trash panda witch, including 100 pages of preg fetishism! (By TheObserver)
- Elthara has a new “Talk” scene, wherein you can invite her to service you on your throne. Requires you have a cock, and have done Lumia’s quest. Though out in the open, it’s entirely likely some of her subordinates might happen upon the two of you. And join in. (By Gardeford).
- The Karithea/Elthara pregnancy threesome now triggers when both girls are using their pregnant busts. That should feel a little more natural.
- Meira has a new suite of 17 busts, all by Moira.
- The vulperine DILF up in the Windy Peaks’ fox village has a new host of 5 sex scenes, written by MagentaNeedle.
- Said DILF also can potentially impregnate a fertile PC, and has some cute additional interactions with pregnant ladies.
- If you’ve done the Ring of Fate quest (or refused it) from Calise, you can walk in on the Stormcaller from that dungeon visiting her pops in the village.
- You can bring Kalysea around to visit the Centaur Caravan girls once they’re housed on either Marilla or Nottia’s farms. 15 pages of centaurs getting plowed into the ground, courtesy of Wsan.
- Kiyoko has a new scene in her home or in the orb, where you can let the ginger fox take the lead. Written by Aury!
- Fixed a potential softlock from the Nursery’s [Kids] button.
NOTICE RE: ANDROID BUILDS: As you may know, TiTS and CoC2 share a lot of backend. Said backend recently updated to new Android build processing… and TiTS’ last patch appears to have eaten all the Android players’ saves. In light of that we’re going to hold off on releasing the Android version of this patch for a couple days until we’re sure it won’t munch your Champions like a Wraith. In the meantime, I’d suggest opening up the last version of the Android apk you played and making a Save-to-File of your Champion just in case. Always best practice to do so at the end of a play session anyway.
- There’s a new Marefolk NPC, Tarah! (By Gardeford)
- Kavi will send you out to rescue her dickgirl daughter, Tarah! She might be lacking in brains, but she makes up for it in hearts. You can help her to find a mate, or take on that duty yourself. If you’re craving an adorable horse, you can fuck and cuddle her to your hearts content. Tarah’s got a lot of wholesome sex and cuddling, with some small penis encouragement for her on the side!
- Tarah can knock the PC up, if you want to be her mate!
- Aileh has a new scene for her first time seeing the PC post becoming a dragon-morph yourself. (By Skow)
- Aileh and Freja have a bunch of new interactions and wholesome family bonding once Freja’s a toddler. Teach her alchemy, have a picnic together, go swimming, visit the purified Hornet Hive, or go have dinner with her grandma (assuming she’s not too hostile with you). (By Skow)
- Text fixes courtesy of Zag.
- The Hellhound MILF that has long laired in the Temple of Terrestrial Fire has had enough of being lonesome and uprooted herself in search of her mate! If you’ve upgraded the Wayfort at least once and claimed the fire summons from the temple, the Hellhound will come to the Wayfort and ask to become its new guardian!
- The Hellhound and her pups have wholesome new interactions with the Wayfort’s denizens. Unsurprisingly, they get on well with Daliza(‘s wolf) and Vatia(‘s little snakes). She and Hana even pump iron together.
- The Hellhound MILF has new talks at the Wayfort, and through them can be persuaded to make you an outfit that matches the Terrestrial Fire cultists’ pyromancy garb.
- The Hellhound also has an optional futafication path, and three new scenes for her using her cock on you.
- With that comes a new PC pregnancy for carrying some warm and energetic hellpups! (Written by Bluebird42)
- A whole new character: Oma the Genie, written by B! Unlike a typical NPC, Oma, being a genie, is found in a magic lamp. You can currently find the lamp either in the Kobold Queen’s stash of miscellaneous golden goods, or you can purchase it from Nash the backstreet peddler in Khor’minos. You also need a helping of Naptha, which can be found in numerous locations, but is most easily purchased from Ogrish in Hawkethorne. Once you have both the lamp and the Naptha, you can interact with your lamp in any camp.
- Oma, being a genie, has the power to grant you any three pre-written wishes, ranging from semi-invincibility to increased storage space. Whether or not Oma will grant your wish as you specify them is determined by your hubris. She may be more amenable if you give her something that she wants first…
- Naturally, she can take advantage of her reality-warping powers to create nearly any sex scene any writer for her can imagine. As two examples, you can have sex with an entire harem of Omas, and you can have her roleplay as someone specific that you might know. And more may come in the future!
- She comes with lots of interactions with your companions! You can ask anyone in your currently active party (including Lyric) what it is they would wish for. They might also step in and prevent you from wasting a wish if Oma is still acting disagreeable.
- The Lapis Hoplite can now be summoned at the Wayfort’s magic circle for some fun times, with four new sex scenes! (By SomeKindofWizard)
- Cait’s old combat busts are now usable again no matter what state of transformation she’s in. Sorry about that!
- Fixes and typo corrections by Spotty & Zag!
- There’s a new encounter on the road from the Wayfort to the Den in the Frostwood: a red-headed kitsune fighter named Hana, who might need some help against a pack of local leothrans.
- After you help Hana out, you can meet her at a camp near the north side ruined bridge in the Frostwood. While at her camp, you can chat with her and get some home-cooked campfire meals.
- Hana can take the PC on hunting trips! She has four different hunts she can take you on, one of which leads to a set of new lewd scenes between Hana, the PC, and some locals.
- If you make certain friendly (or horny) choices while having dinner with Hana, and having discovered what she’s packing between her legs, she’ll offer a romantic evening with you between 6-9 PM. Continuing to be friendly with her will unlock her repeat sex scenes.
- Hana comes packed with 5 repeat sex scenes, several of which are branched, or let you leave Hana blueballed — which you can exploit on future encounters to make her a blushing, leaky mess.
- Brint/Brienne has a new combat set, the Green Knight. After you’ve recruit the cow and brought either Eryka or Liaden back to town, going into Sanders’ chapel should show a new event with the two that grants your bovine buddy some heavy armor healing power!
- Arona has a new combat set, the Hawkeye. If you’ve recruited her and Etheryn, and have finished the Palace of Ice dungeon, walking around adjacent to the Winter City’s Waystone will trigger an event with Arona, Ryn, and a handful of Ryn’s vassals learning archery. Arona can walk away with a greatbow that would make a Silver Knight proud, and depending on your choices (and having Dom!Arona), you and her might get to teach some snooty elves a lesson. With Arona’s dick.
- Cait has a new combat set, the Frostheart. Senja sells a new, cursed-looking spellbook for a fat stack of cash. Bring it to Cait, and your kitty comrade may be able to divine some meaning from its maddened pages so that you can both walk away with potent frost magics. Alternatively, you can get rid of the book after talking to Cait, and the next time you talk to Barney he’ll have his own reward for you both. Turns out he’d prefer his daughter not play with cursed toys, even if they’re powerful!
- There’s a new CG as part of Lady Juno’s invitation to the witch’s tower, showing all five moo-milfs in their full glory! (Done by the legendary Sulcate!)
- Zag did a TON of bug/typo fixes. Big shoutout to ’em. <3
- Ditto Spotty chippin’ in to clearing out bug backlog!
- The Hellhound in the Temple of Terrestrial Fire has a new scene where she gives you a titfuck and then a blowjob!
- Lusina has a new scene at the Marefolk Camp where you can dive into the mothy muff and eat her out!
- Yonzan the lizard man has a new 69 scene over in the bath house! (By Wsan)
- Ahmri has a new scene for going down on her at the Centaur Village! (By Gardeford)
- Aileh has a new scene for using her horns like handlebars and fucking her face! Requires that you be lovers. (By Skow)
- Solveig, the Frost Hound’s half-orc, has a new scene for eating her out! (By Skow)
- The Manticore Twins up on the Windy Peaks have a new scene for sucking both their dicks while you sit on Leticia’s face! (By Skow)
- Aestrea the dickgirl salamander has a mighty 40-page one-night-stand scene for after finishing her related quest. A taste of what’s to come when you eventually head to Tychris! This event triggers 10 days (or 2-3 days if you already did it) after finishing Matiha’s Revenge, in the Frost Hound. (By B!)
- Thalia, the ghostly salamander from NinaQuest, has a new Get Oral scene for her pleasuring either your cock or your vag. (By TheObserver)
- Thalia has a new Facesitting scene, with the PC on bottom. (By TheObserver)
- Thalia has a new Anal scene, using either the PC’s cock or a ‘mander tail. (By TheObserver)
- New Busts: Temple of Mallach’s lupine milfs (by DCL), a new Hethia bust (by Moira)
- New CG: Elthara covered in love bites after her lesdomme scene (by AnonArts)
- After finishing Nina’s new quest, she has a couple of new sex scenes! (by TheObserver)
- One of those sex scenes is a special Impregnation scene that does exactly what you expect: fills that bird full of eggs!
- If both Nina and Zhara are pregnant at the same time, they have a unique scene together.
- All of Nina’s existing scenes have been updated to account for her being gravid with eggs!
- Thalia the Proto-Astrida can be summoned at the Wayfort’s summoning circle if you secure her remains! It’s a bit of a preview, since normally you’d want to take her to Nareva first, but Nareva’s a bit occupied at the moment (ie not in game yet), so this’ll have to do! (by TheObserver)
- Thalia has new talk scenes the first time you summon her.
- Thalia has a host of new sex scenes — with a few more still to be added next patch, too!
- Various bugfixes, including some by Spotty!
- Azami now has an NPC tile marker in the den for her first time interaction!
- Updated Ryn’s [Her People] talk
- Added Pink Fur Scrub to hawkethorne/marefolk stylists
- Added option to Leothranize Cait without participating in the sex
- Fix for a crash when using Simple Combat Output and fighting the Doppleganger
- Fix for not being able to return to the second level of the Warped Wayfort if the Soldier’s Stash event was assigned to the maze entrance tile
- Fix for Witch Cait’s new Radiant Gift stance crashing the game if it’s interrupted
- Tons of text fixes
- Other misc fixes
- More fixes courtesy of Spotty
- More fixes courtesy of Zag
- New Bust: Kailani (by Moira)
- Nina the Harpy has a new quest with enough narrative content to cover over 150 pages! You can proc if after having finished her previous quest, and talking to her at the bar. This quest’ll just be you and Nina together, so prepare accordingly!
- Her quest involves a new challenge dungeon, which uses our snazzy random map generator tech for the second time. There’s also several spooky bosses!
- While it’s not currently accessible, there’s a lot of special interaction in this quest for Champions who’ve become godsworn to Nareva — the next and final of the three planned soulbindings. You can look forward to that after Khor’minos’s story is resolved!
- Cait’s Witch Set has been tweaked a bit by Balak!
- New Busts: Thalia the Astrida (by Moira)
- HOTFIX: Juno’s part of the morale boosting doesn’t get skipped the first time anymore.
- A bedicked PC that has met Livrea, has their Milking Stall work approval, and has finished DraciaQuest can get an invitation from Lady Juno to visit her and the navy’s coven of storm witches at their tower for a Special Morale-Boosting Event (read: you fuck a lot of cowgirl pussy). If you are engaged to Livrea, she’ll come along to supervise you.
- Every 10th day in-game after the first invitation (ie day 30/40/50 etc.), you can ask Livrea about a repeat performance.
- The kitsune huntress Azami has a small expansion for repeat content. You can meet her in the den. (By AramenMajima)
- Azami has a slew of new talk scenes.
- Azami has new sex scenes for bedicked PCs: missionary, cowgirl, and 69.
- If you learned the Frost Moth summon from DraciaQuest, you can now summon the chilly spirit at the Wayfort’s summoning circle for some fun. (By Skow!)
- The Frost Moth has new scenes for riding her face, eating her out, and reverse cowgirl.
- There’s a new encounter in the Foothills: a male wyvern boy! (By Freed85) (Coded by Squishy!)
- The wyvern boi has a loss scene and victory scenes for riding his face and then dick, or pitching anal to him.
- Kailani’s quest has been split into two, and you can now turn her down rather than having to bang her at the end of her first quest.
- To start the second quest with Inaya, you’ll have to have become Kailani’s mate, and there’s an option to do so if you turned her down the first time.
- Text fixes courtesy of Spotty
- New Bust: King Kelsaz (by Moira)
- The Main Story Quest’s next chapter is here! After having finished Calise’s convalescence, the paladin’s invitation to the royal feast can now be taken advantage of. This is a chunky 300-ish pages of content, including several sex scenes with new and returning characters, though it’s not a dungeon per se.
- Please note this update ends after the party’s conclusion: Calise has more content in the works but not quite ready yet!
- Ashelander has new text for stowing and retrieving her from the Wayfort’s display.
- New CG: Lumia using you as a seat (by Xoi).
- New Busts: Crown Prince Vrannus, First Princess Varena, Royal Herald Tricia (all by Moira). Armitia Moongiven (by Bread)
- EDIT: Hotfix is out fixing a crash related to being in heat. We finally managed to crash the game entirely due to a joke. Oops.
- Kalysea has a set of sex scenes for the camp which, if done in quick succession, offer additional content.
- You can find out some more about her via talks…
- A couple of “camping trips”, the first of them giving you additional content for her camp scenes and the second… well, you’ll know by the time you get there.
- Overworld scenes! Kalysea is an extremely libidinous centauress, and she’s going to take care of her needs one way or another while you’re travelling. These can be toggled off/on in her camp menu.
- Eubicha scenes! If you so choose, you can introduce your very large and submissive pack-centaur to Kalysea. They hit it off quite nicely, as it turns out. This also includes overworld scenes.
- A few bonus scenes – blurbs in events, a little bit of integration with another NPC, tidbits around the world.
- On an unrelated note, Eryka has a new titfuck scene! (By B!)
- Eryka has some more content for using her pussy after she’s been dedicked. (Also by B!)
- S&C’s disguises can be toggled at the Wayfort.
- The Blue Balled status has been renamed Pent Up to avoid confusion. (In silly mode, it may be labeled Submissive and Breedable!)
- Heat and Rut now give Pent Up when you acquire those statuses.
- Kailani has a new sex scene: doggystyle! After fucking her pussy, you can go for the ass in repeat encounters! (Written by B!)
- You can finish Kailani’s quest by getting to know Inaya, the kit in her care. (Written by B!)
- You can make Sandre & Caera submit to you and shapeshift their dicks away once they’re at the Wayfort and you’ve fucked them both after winning a gamble. There’s a new talk scene with them, [Remove Cocks]. (Written by Fleep!)
- The demon couple have a new repeatable sex scene each for the removal. (Written by Fleep!)
- All of S&C’s sex scenes have been updated to reflect hiding their cocks. (Written by Fleep!)
- New Busts: Demonic, Dicked, Dedicked and Human Disguised S&C; Rixx the Goblin Mage; Leticia the Manticore Milf. All by Moira!
– Extract to the desired location.
– Click on “Game.exe” to start playing.
MAC Instructions:
You can play it with any current browser, download the latest, and open the index.html from CoC2_028/resources/app/index.html
Game Info:
Tags: 2DCG, Adventure
Release date: 2025-03-07
Developer/Publisher: Savin / Salamander Studios
Game Engine: Ren’Py
Censorship: Uncensored
Version: 0.7.38 [Ongoing]
Platform: Windows, Android (APK)
Language: English
2DCG, Adventure, Ahegao, Anal Sex, BDSM, Big Ass, Big Tits, Character Creation, Corruption, Dilf, Fantasy, Female Domination, Female Protagonist, Furry, Futa/trans, Futa/trans Protagonist, Gay, Groping, Group Sex, Handjob, Humor, Lactation, Lesbian, Male Domination, Male Protagonist, Masturbation, Milf, Monster, Monster Girl, Multiple Endings, Multiple Penetration, NTR, Oral Sex, Paranormal, Pregnancy, Force, Religion, Romance, RPG, Sissification, Teasing, Tentacles, Text Based, Titfuck, Transformation, Trap, Turn Based Combat, Vaginal Sex, Virgin, Mobile Game, Voyeurism.
Corruption of Champions 2 Walkthrough
HD ART (Cassia, Marriage, Rina)
Steam Beta-Key:
May-June: EAoqxGqBg5wYEfnt0s4O
How to activate?
To activate the code, right-click the game in your Steam library, click properties, go to the BETAS tab, and then enter the code. Then select “backer” from the dropdown.
Then depending on your settings Steam will start downloading the build or you can click Install/Update where the PLAY button would normally be in your library If that still doesn’t work (it should) then you can go to the LOCAL FILES tab and click “VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES” which will force an update.
Corruption of Champions 2 Game Download
– PC/Windows
Size: 618 MB
– Android (APK)
Size: 612 MB
Game Credits
Savin / Salamander Studios Patreon – Subscribestar – Fenoxo – Steam
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