[ScrewThisNoise][Illusion] Koikatu! / Koikatsu! (コイカツ!) BetterRepack RX13

2022-02-27 05:18 UTC
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48.4 GiB
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![BetterRepack RX13](https://imageshack.com/i/poz2XHsAp "BetterRepack RX13") ## This pack includes all available DLC (Preorder extras, Summer/personality expansion, Afterschool expansion and Darkness expansion) ### Translation improvements: A lot of translation improvements in this one. If you have yet to play the main game, or there have been a long time since you've done so, I highly recommend giving it another go at this point. The translation is miles better than it once were so do give it a shot, much more enjoyable with proper TL Links: https://dl.betterrepack.com/public/ (You can find updates etc in here) If you want to get notified about new releases, feel free to join my notification discord: https://discord.gg/pSGZ4uz ### Changelog: https://betterpaste.me/?2e2041cbbf2bc03e#GAKTmKQLfZSJCnkZiy34GqttY3vKffr6Esb4kj9wqHKy ### Patreon I'd very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won't paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :) There is currently a direct download option exclusive to patreons, take a peek at [https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-patreon-only-34099224] for more information. ~.~ ![Patreon](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/575260461579108352/576067606566666260/PatreonBanner.png "Patreon") [https://www.patreon.com/BetterRepack/] [https://subscribestar.adult/betterrepack]

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Thanks @STN! I have a question, unfortunately trying to reduce the space of the files on my HD I ended up replacing the KK cards with the KKS cards. In short, I messed up. :/ Is there any way to revert cards from KKS to KK ? I imagine not, right? :/
@PerfectNo0 if nothing works then open the charter editor and drag/drop cards from your sunshine folder into the Koikatsu game window it should do the trick but you might need to re-select a body type.
@Xynnz, I going to try this... Now I´m re-download an entire game gain. I will feedback you guys after...
@Xynnz It was the only way out... And to help not even the Skin Overlay is transferred... Well, I'll finish cataloging my KKS characters, when I'm in the mood I'll pass it on to KK, I think about 200 cards :/ But thanks for the tip and help!

screwthisnoise (uploader)

Yeah, as Xynnz says, backwords porting, you basically only got drag and drop, which isn't perfect by a long shot... If the game converted though, it should've kept a backup of the old cards though. You can take a look in `\UserData\chara\old`
Oh and btw using that method you can also change the sex of the characters :D
Thank you guys, yeah, I have some backup of all my cards here from KK, KKS and HS2 but I made some changes like bones, slides ... I going to use them and update, I think this is the better way haha´ Again, thank you!
Thank you for another repack. I'm curious, how much longer do you reckon you'll be doing KK repacks before it becomes a museum release? Being honest, I am a bit disappointed with Sunshine; just seems like there isn't that much new exciting stuff (in chara editor anyway, I like to keep my chars vanilla for the most part). I'm also not the biggest fan of the beach resort theme and much prefer the more school day to school day of the og KK. Sunshine feels more like an expansion pack, rather then a sequel to me.

screwthisnoise (uploader)

# CookieSenpai Let's preface this answer with this: I no longer open KK... pretty much at all... When I want to play an anime style game, I go with KKS. I find KKS a lot more enjoyable, though, as you say, it has very much the expansion/expandalone feel to it. What is changed though is, for the most part, for the better, be that gameplay or the under the hood aspects of it. I use KK exclusively for testing now... testing new mods, testing new releases... that's about it... even the release poster for this release is made with KKS Studio, not KK Studio (Though it is very much doable in KK Studio... KKS Studio is just better optimized). Now then, as to my plans for KK. I had intended to make it a Museum release by Jan 15th 2022, but as you can probably tell, I decided to postpone that and instead just put it down in priority update wise. KKS and HS2 is my staple packs now, with AIS and KK as my 'second tier' packs. They're falling in popularity rapidly, so I need to focus where people depend on me the most. I am however, as you can tell from the changelog, still engaged in commissioning translations for KK, which will also gain KKS, due to heavy reuse of text assets between KK and KKS. I do still intend to see that through to its completion... basically leaving the game better than I found it =P

screwthisnoise (uploader)

Cont. As the translation project is still ongoing, even if I mark it Museum, it's pretty much guaranteed future updates until the translation project is done, so no need to worry about it going totally off the radar anytime soon, but the wheels of time keeps turning. Several key modders have jumped ship, so whole new plugins and mods explicitly meant for KK will slowly dry up, leading to watered down versions of mods being made available for KK and then finally the fancy mods will only be KKS available. Before you think this is some forceful move to make people make the shift... KK is old... a lot of stuff just can't be done, or can't be done easily with it, so faced with a more capable base, it will be superceeded. Upon completion of the translation project though... if it's not Museum branded yet, it absolutely will be. In closing, I don't dislike KK all of a sudden, I've just mostly had my fill, and it has run its course. Illusion has stopped all types of real support for it, uploader is closed, and less and less people are interested in releases associated with it. The Sideloader Modpack is still going, and most clothing mods etc can still be used across KK, EC and KKS. As plugin releases starts to decrease, the usefulness of releases associated with it will further decrease... yeah...
Blimey didn't mean to make you write that much sorry :P Yeah I totally get that, time waits for no one and soon enough I will probably one day switch to KKS, most likely once every add-on I like comes to Sunshine, although saying that, HSceneoptions is the only one that is still not available (I think). Thank you for replying

screwthisnoise (uploader)

# CookieSenpai In that case, I have been told that it has been forked and ported to KKS. I have yet to test it, but plan to do so for the next KKS release. If all is well, it'll be in there. Feel free to keep a look at the next changelog for it :) And don't worry about the length of my reply, I may just like the sound of my own voice... and want to avoid misunderstandings where I can >P
Thank you! I don’t think Koikatsu Sunshine is mature enough yet to move on from Koikatsu as the main anime game. It’s missing a few key things from Koikatsu, namely most of the uncensors, the modded sex positions (unless I need to unlock them first?) and the ability to export to Blender (https://github.com/FlailingFog/KK-Blender-Porter-Pack - there's an issue that says it doesn't work with Sunshine; I haven't tested personally yet). But it will mature with time of course.
Correction: I have seen the modded sex positions in Sunshine (but they don't appear in Free H?). Now it's only the missing uncensors but it's not that critical to have a lot of choices, it's just for some variety. And I can always edit my cards in KK and import them in KKS for maximum compatibility. Thanks!

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### gibkk yeah, by default it's disabled in free-H. The next pack will have it configured for free-H by default
@screwthisnoise: How does one enable them for Free-H?

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### Masamune In the plugin settings (You can find them in the ingame options)
Did look at Sunshine's plugins didn't see anything bout unlocking animations unless im blind :P
Yeah can't see the options either lol
But old Koikatsu got indeed an option to unlock invalid positions.
Will just wait then till next repack. After playing Sunshine i cant go back to the Vanilla game XD.

screwthisnoise (uploader)

Under animation loader in the plugin settings, you can find `All Animations in FreeH`, enabling that will activate it for FreeH
No wonder i couldn't it, i looked through my files and animation loader plugin is not in my plugin folder. I downloaded it from Manly Marco and placed it in plugins, works now :)
@Masamune thanks i can finally see them :)
https://github.com/IllusionMods/AnimationLoader here's a link till @screwthisnoise updates his pack
I have a question, is it if the game works the translation if it is disconnected from the internet?

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### Uresergi The vast majority of translations is prebundled at this point. should be little to nothing that requires online connectivity at this point. Some mods may appear in chinese or japanese without internet, but that's about it.
thank you very much I had that concern if it works or not without internet
anytime now in game mode, when someone approaches with the icon to talk, the game will hang (cant exit/pick choices, etc). not sure what the fix would be, since that file back in kks when it was a thing is present in kk.
Hey, if Im using an old release like rx12 and I wanted to update to rx13, would updating the game in the launcher option be the same as downloading rx13?
Can anyone tell me why sex in the main game has only 2 alternatives? Last time I played it has 3 version